The Hamilton Spectator



Psychologi­sts say that cultivatin­g an honest sense of gratitude is good for your mental and even physical well-being. Here are tips from online sources such as Psychology Today to feel more gratitude in your life even when things are going poorly:


Think small. When you are knocked around by life, find one small thing going well, pause and dwell upon it.


Try to help someone. Chances are a neighbour or friend or acquaintan­ce needs it; reach out to them. A generous act will give you a boost.


Do one thing today you are good at. When everything is falling apart, do something, anything, you do well; organize your sock drawer, garden, paint, hug your child, clean the bathroom. Remind yourself that you are capable of doing things. You will feel a tiny sense of order return, and have another thing to be grateful for.


Find the light in the dark. Even during tough times, try to find the things in the frame that are positives; if you are sick, focus on the care or support you are receiving.


Keep a gratitude journal. Write down things you are grateful for, no matter how small, once or twice a week. If possible, focus more on people to whom you are grateful than things. Reflect on what your life would be like without certain blessings, rather than just tallying up the good things.

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