The Hamilton Spectator

6 affirmatio­ns for a successful year


I love a well-timed affirmatio­n. I stick them on sticky notes throughout my apartment, especially on the mirrors; I have three alarms on my phone that go off throughout the day with various power statements; and I repeat numerous declaratio­ns to myself whenever I need a confidence boost to overcome self-doubt. And they work. Here are a few power affirmatio­ns I’ve either come across or created that never fail to help me out, even when I’m hungover, rattled with anxiety or plagued with guilt.

Try them the next time you need to experience some kick-ass power! I AM ENOUGH. It’s funny that the word enough correspond­s with supreme happiness. But our two deepest human fears are that we are not enough and that we don’t have enough. The latter is the core of any scarcity mindset: not having enough money, not having enough opportunit­ies or even not getting enough Instagram likes. These things can all make us feel a tad inadequate, right? But when you finally figure out you are enough, you can breathe a true sigh of relief. You can be at peace. Because you know that in reality, there is nothing to prove. Ever. I CAN. These two words contain infinite strength. We often start sentences with “I’ll try,” or “I wish I could,” or even “I can’t.” I believe the words “I can” precede whatever will actually happen for you. The phrase “I can,” much like the phrases “I will” and “I am,” can have a transforma­tive influence over your confidence. See what happens if you rephrase “I can’t read maps” to “I can always get where I need to go.” Because you do, right? If you’re not literally lost in a field right now, you did end up getting where you needed to. So focus on the truth. Because you can.


That’s what I affirm when I need a kick in the booty to get to the spin studio. I hate working out. I hate it. Hate. In fact, I can only tolerate spinning because it’s 45 minutes and I count down the eight to nine songs in my head. But I do go. Anyone feel me here? Please say yes. When you remind yourself of your health (no matter what) you feel inspired to maintain it. Think of how “My body is in great health” compares to “I hate my butt and need to get to the gym.” One motivates you to some action, whereas the other makes you want to hide under the covers with a box of Krispy Kremes.


There is no better way to attract abundance and prosperity than feeling open, receptive, and, as a result, creative. Say this statement aloud. Repeat it two to three times in silence. Pay attention to what ideas come up for you. I guarantee there will be some real goodies in there. Affirmatio­ns about possibilit­y always unlock power thoughts. 2018 pay rise, new role or side hustle, anyone? I AM SAFE. This never fails to calm me down, especially when paired with some deep inhales and exhales. I learned this statement from bestsellin­g author Louise Hay. She said this particular statement will create miracles in your life: “All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe.” Because you are safe. Is there a train coming directly at your face right now? If the answer is no, then you’re OK. You belong exactly where you are. I BELIEVE IN LOVE. When we don’t get what we want, it’s often because our desires don’t match our beliefs. We may want something, but deep down, we have to experience an inner conflict because even though we want it, we don’t think it’s attainable. We think we want love, but our belief is a great guy or gal is hard to find. We want to feel trusted and adored, but don’t think that romantic partners are trustworth­y or that we are worthy of adoration. Does this sound like you? If so, use this affirmatio­n and focus on people you know who have found love. These people can be your grandparen­ts, your boss or your best friend from high school whom you constantly see smiling with his S.O. on Facebook. Know that whatever is possible for those people is possible for you too!

Affirmatio­ns can be endless in their potency and capacity to create change rapidly in our lives.

A common life-coaching exercise I use with clients is thinking on some things you know to be true about yourself but that you don’t necessaril­y pay attention to. For example, some great personal affirmatio­ns that have arisen in some of my sessions are “I’m a great mom,” “I’m a generous friend,” or even “I have beautiful handwritin­g.”

Don’t take your magic for granted! What’s true for you is not true for all people.

Always remember that words matter. Our words are a direct representa­tion of our thoughts. And our thoughts create our feelings. Our feelings create our actions. And our actions? Well, they dictate our life. What’s more important than our words then?

What affirmatio­n will you be using next?

 ?? , GETTY ?? Try some affirmatio­ns the next time you need to experience some power.
, GETTY Try some affirmatio­ns the next time you need to experience some power.

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