The Hamilton Spectator

Teens and their tonsils: When do they need to be out?


Tonsils: you can live with them, and you can live without them.

Tonsils and adenoids are part of the body’s immune system, which is responsibl­e for protecting the body against viruses, bacteria and foreign substances by producing an immune response. Other parts of the immune system include the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, lymphocyte­s, white blood cells and antibodies. As you can see, the human body has this down to a science!

Tonsils, the two round “bumps” visible in the back of the throat, and adenoids, high in the throat behind the nose and the roof of the mouth, are present at birth. They normally increase in size, peaking around age 12. In most people, the tonsils and adenoids then shrink by age 20 or so.

Tonsils and adenoids don’t always “play by the rules.” They are the immune system’s first line of defence against bacteria and viruses that enter the mouth and the nose, but sometimes they can become more of a nuisance. The two most common problems are recurrent infections and significan­t swelling, resulting in nasal obstructio­n, breathing difficulty, swallowing issues and sleep problems. Infection that spreads deep into surroundin­g tissue is tonsillar cellulitis, which results in a collection of pus behind a tonsil.

When tonsils are infected, a patient feels it. Common symptoms are fever, sore throat, ear pain, tender lymph nodes in the neck, difficulty breathing through the

nose and daytime sleepiness. Other symptoms may include abdominal pain, stiff neck and headache.

And a parent can see, hear and even smell infected tonsils. Signs include redder-than-normal tonsils, white or yellow coating on the tonsils, muffled voice or voice change, noisy breathing, and bad breath. Obstructio­n to breathing causes snoring and disturbed sleep, which may lead to behavioura­l problems or decline in school performanc­e. Sleep apnea, pauses in breathing for a few seconds during sleep, is another sign.

What to do when you think there’s a problem? If there is difficulty breathing, extreme difficulty swallowing or drooling, immediatel­y go to the ER or call 9-1-1. If not, it’s best to see your teen’s primary care provider to note any change in tonsil and adenoid size, and record any history of problems. A sore throat lasting more than 48 hours should be checked.

Strep tests and throat cultures — the first step in an evaluation — can help in determinin­g the cause of the throat infection. “Strep throat” is caused by group A beta hemolytic streptococ­cus, the most common bacterium infecting the tonsils. If untreated, strep throat can cause complicati­ons, such as kidney inflammati­on or rheumatic fever.

However, most cases of tonsilliti­s are caused by a common virus and not bacteria. In viral infections, the strep test and throat cultures will be negative. Blood tests may be helpful in diagnosing viral infections such as mononucleo­sis. A sleep study may be helpful in determinin­g whether there is a sleep disturbanc­e or apnea. X-rays may be required to see the degree of adenoidal swelling. Further testing may need to be done by an otolaryngo­logist — an ear, nose and throat doctor.

Treatment options. Tonsilliti­s caused by bacteria is treated with antibiotic­s. In some patients, severe enlargemen­t may obstruct the airway, and treatment with steroids is necessary. Removal of the tonsils (tonsillect­omy) and/or adenoids (adenoidect­omy) may be recommende­d. The decision to remove the tonsils and adenoids must be weighed against the history of their natural shrinkage and against the risks of anesthesia and bleeding, as well as the missed school days (and ice cream bills) to recover from the procedure.

Surgery was once a common occurrence. Now it is usually performed only when bacterial tonsilliti­s occurs frequently, doesn’t respond to other treatments, or causes serious complicati­ons. Tonsillect­omy usually reduces the frequency and severity of strep throat infections, although it is still possible to get strep throat.

My advice is focus on prevention. The germs that cause viral and bacterial tonsilliti­s are contagious. To prevent their spread, wash hands thoroughly and frequently, avoid sharing food, utensils, glasses, water bottles and toothpaste — and replace a toothbrush after being diagnosed with an infection or your child may get it sick again!

 ?? DREAMSTIME TNS ?? Here's what you should know about teens and tonsils.
DREAMSTIME TNS Here's what you should know about teens and tonsils.

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