The Hamilton Spectator

Halton Catholic school board rejects education minister, leaves its fundraisin­g restrictio­ns in place


The Halton Catholic District School Board has rejected a request from Ontario’s education minister to suspend a policy that bans student fundraisin­g for charities that don’t align with its religious values.

Meanwhile, a parent who is upset with the “Sanctity of Life” policy — which prevents students from collecting money for organizati­ons including the Canadian Cancer Society and the United Way — is challengin­g the rules in court.

Education Minister Indira Naidoo-Harris wrote to the trustees suggesting they “pause” implementa­tion of the policy, which blocks schools from raising money for organizati­ons that “directly or indirectly” support abortion, euthanasia, contracept­ion or embryonic stem-cell research.

But at Tuesday’s board meeting, the trustees voted 5-4 to refer the matter to a future meeting. That vote left the policy in effect while consultati­ons with the community continue.

“Five votes said that they would like to keep it the same way as it is,” board chair Diane Rabenda said Wednesday. “I found that very disappoint­ing, personally, but I do represent the board and I have to abide, like all trustees do, with the will of the board.”

The vote came on the same day that David Harvey, a parent and retired lawyer, applied to Ontario Superior Court to quash the policy, or at least stop the board from enforcing it until consultati­ons are done and the policy is revised.

“We are very upset with the board’s refusal to hear from parents prior to implementi­ng its new policy, despite its legal duties, demands from students and parents, and a request from the Minister,” Harvey said in an email to the Toronto Star.

Rabenda acknowledg­ed that “parents are very upset and I understand they’re upset” when asked about fundraisin­g for legal costs.

“Whatever they decide to do would be their own initiative, their right,” she said. “It’s their prerogativ­e to do what they see fit.”

Harvey was at Tuesday’s meeting, where the trustees voted to defer a decision after hearing from delegates and receiving a copy of the minister’s letter.

Premier Kathleen Wynne weighed in Wednesday morning, saying “there are very, very concerned students and teachers in the board.”

Rebuffing the minister “will mean that we will have to have another conversati­on with the chair of the board and with the director,” Wynne told reporters at a news conference.

Rabenda said she is “always very pleased to talk with the minster and absolutely will be open to discussing anything the minister wishes to speak about.”

“Boards are there to be the eyes and ears on the ground and reflect the needs of communitie­s,” Naidoo-Harris said Wednesday at Queen’s Park.

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