The Hamilton Spectator

How can these councillor­s be trusted?



Hamilton council has repeatedly voted in favour of the B-Line light rail project from September 2011 to the approval of the project’s environmen­tal assessment last year. Councillor­s Tom Jackson, Lloyd Ferguson and Terry Whitehead have all voted in favour of the project over that period.

Since then, as a direct result of those votes, Metrolinx has spent $74 million with an additional $29 million committed as of February, for a total of $103 million. The province gave council years of latitude and options when it came to higher-order transit, and this LRT project is what they chose. Without the support of these three councillor­s, that $103 million never would have been spent.

Now Doug Ford, no doubt at the urging of Ward 7 councillor and Progressiv­e Conservati­ve candidate Donna Skelly, has made a clearly hollow promise to let Hamilton have the full $1.3 billion to spend elsewhere, essentiall­y cancelling the LRT project. That decision would render $103 million already spent a total waste. We can’t get that money back, and you can bet none of these politician­s will offer to reimburse the public.

Jackson, Ferguson and Whitehead, all self-described fiscal conservati­ves, have been quoted saying they’re reconsider­ing their support of the project — perhaps the most egregious statement of political cowardice in Hamilton history. Why should they be entrusted with $1.3 billion? Why should they be further entrusted with public office? How can they claim to be conservati­ve, in any sense of the word?

Matt Jelly, Hamilton

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