The Hamilton Spectator


... and don’t get nervous about nettle — go with spinach


Some chefs meditate. Some do yoga. Others do shots.

But when it comes to finding calm amid the hectic whirl of the profession­al kitchen, Ruth Rogers, the chef and owner of the River Café in London, likes to stir risotto.

“Risotto is such a relaxing thing to make because of the slowness of it,” she said in a recent phone call. “It’s got a soothing rhythm that’s good when you’re anxious about something.”

And I was anxious about something, which is why I called. I was anxious about the nettle and taleggio risotto in the recently released “River Café London” cookbook (Knopf, 2018).

The book, a vibrantly designed celebratio­n of the restaurant’s 30th anniversar­y, includes updated versions of recipes from the classic 1995 “River Café Cookbook,” along with new ones.

I would have probably passed right by the nettle risotto if it weren’t for the taleggio. Melty chunks of that funky, earthy cheese running all over the creamy rice had epic appeal, despite the nettles. I’ve had an aversion to those ever since I was stung as a kid trampling through the English countrysid­e one summer vacation. That includes cooking them. Any recipe that begins with instructio­ns to don thick rubber gloves for protection is just not very inviting.

So I asked Rogers: could the risotto be made with a less ferocious green that’s also easier to find if you’re not running around British fields in your shorts?

Spinach, she said immediatel­y, particular­ly mature, crinkly leaves with a rich mineral taste. That’s what she uses outside nettle season, which lasts only a few weeks in spring.

Rogers then gave me a risotto reminder. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to stir risotto continuous­ly as it cooks. Once you’re attuned to the rhythm of

adding the broth, you can stir intermitte­ntly; just stay close by.

Risotto has been a menu staple at the River Café ever since Rogers and her partner Rose Gray opened it in 1987. Three decades later, the restaurant is a different place — bigger and more ambitious, though sadly without Gray, who died of cancer in 2010.

“In the past 30 years, we’ve seen ups and downs, but there’s been a continuous ethos to use the best ingredient­s and to keep within a strong tradition,” Rogers said. “You have to keep growing. That’s what makes you timeless.”

Spinach Risotto with Taleggio

Makes 6 servings

8 ounces cold taleggio 10 ounces/8 packed cups spinach, any thick stems removed

6 tablespoon­s unsalted butter 1 medium red onion, finely diced

3 cups finely diced celery 2 garlic cloves, finely grated or minced

1 1⁄2 cups Arborio rice 1 teaspoon fine sea salt, more as needed

3⁄4 cup dry white wine

3 1⁄2 cups good vegetable or chicken stock

Total time: 45 minutes

1. Cut the rind off the taleggio and discard. Dice the cheese into ½-inch pieces. Set aside at room temperatur­e as you prepare the rice.

2. Line a colander with a clean dish towel and place spinach inside. Heat about 8 cups of water until boiling, then pour over spinach; the spinach will wilt. Let

spinach sit until cool enough to handle, then use the dish towel to squeeze out the water.

Transfer spinach to a food processor and blend with 1 tablespoon butter until smooth. (You’ll end up with about 1 cup of purée.) Reserve.

3. Melt remaining 5 tablespoon­s butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Stir in onion, celery and garlic; cook until translucen­t, about seven minutes. Stir in rice and 1 teaspoon salt, and cook until toasted and golden, about five minutes.

4. Stir in wine and cook until it’s absorbed, about three minutes. Stir in stock, about ½ cup at a time, stirring often but not necessaril­y continuous­ly, until the stock is finished and the rice is cooked through but not mushy, 15 to 20 minutes.

5. Stir in spinach purée, then taste and add more salt, if needed. Add taleggio and stir to melt. Serve immediatel­y.

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 ?? ANDREW SCRIVANI PHOTOS NYT ?? Ruth Rogers, the chef and owner of the River Café, finds the stirring of risotto very relaxing: “It’s got a soothing rhythm that’s good when you’re anxious about something.”
ANDREW SCRIVANI PHOTOS NYT Ruth Rogers, the chef and owner of the River Café, finds the stirring of risotto very relaxing: “It’s got a soothing rhythm that’s good when you’re anxious about something.”
 ??  ?? Taleggio cheese, cut into chunks for better melting.
Taleggio cheese, cut into chunks for better melting.

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