The Hamilton Spectator

Keep your body fuelled to maintain athletic activity


As the warm months of spring and summer begin to roll in, folks start getting more active and athletic. But far too many of these people fail to pay attention to the vital nutrients — both vitamins and minerals — that are used up by all this new activity, sometimes even creating deficienci­es.

For example, have you discovered that after a long session of biking or running during the day, painful muscle cramps at night wake you from a blissful sleep? There’s often a reason for these cramps — an exercise-induced deficiency of electrolyt­es. There are two nutrients you can take to help prevent or even stop an attack of nightly leg cramps. One is calcium, and the other is potassium. Both are electrolyt­es. These are substances that create a kind of electric current when mixed with water.

A fairly recent story in the popular health and wellness site quotes the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons as saying “... a deficiency in electrolyt­es like potassium can cause muscle cramps, particular­ly in your legs. This can occur frequently in the summer, when heat causes you to lose

salt and other minerals through your sweat.”

Other electrolyt­es include bicarbonat­e, chloride, magnesium, phosphate and salt. A proper ratio of electrolyt­es can be found in sports drinks such as Gatorade, but many such sports drinks contain a lot of sugar as well as artificial food dyes. The more vibrant the colour, the

more food dye the drink contains. Some of these colours are actually derived from petroleum. At the same time, sugar, or glycogen, is required to maintain energy.

Studies have shown that unless an athlete is exercising hard for more than an hour, a sugary electrolyt­e drink may not be required. The most important

thing is just to stay hydrated. This is especially important on a hot summer’s day, or while sweating from strenuous exercise. In fact, since electrolyt­es will only provide their electrical current when combined with water, the smartest thing may be to purchase electrolyt­e pills and take them with plain water. There are many varieties of electrolyt­e capsules. But again, never swallow them without water.

Some of the newest studies are showing that taking vitamin D may help protect athletes against both injury and depression. This is especially true for those whose skin is not exposed to natural sunlight, or those who chronicall­y can’t absorb vitamin D from the sun, which includes people who are middle-aged and older. Supplement­ation with a good quality of vitamin D may provide numerous mental and physical benefits.

In addition, don’t think about trying to stay active while avoiding carbohydra­tes and sugar. While carbs may be healthier than a spoonful of sugar, both will be stored as energy in the form of glycogen, which is actually the body’s fuel for athletic function. Unfortunat­ely, humans have a limited ability to store glycogen. That ability can be increased by using a specific technique: training or working out harder, with more intensity.

Some elite athletes have training schedule that calls for one day a week of extreme training, followed by several days off to recuperate. If good hydration is the top secret to never hitting the wall, then recuperati­on (or recovery) from a hard effort is a close second.

 ?? GETTY ?? Staying hydrated is vital during warm weather workouts. Just keep an eye on the sugar content of that energy drink. Water may be all that you need.
GETTY Staying hydrated is vital during warm weather workouts. Just keep an eye on the sugar content of that energy drink. Water may be all that you need.

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