The Hamilton Spectator

How to repair a splinterin­g deck

Elbow grease needed for a brand new look


It may be hard to get that brand new look back completely, but following a few simple steps can help you bring your neglected decking back to life.

Bleach splinterin­g decks

Mix up a solution of half bleach, half water and spray down your entire decking. If you see areas of deck mould, hit those especially hard and work at them with a scrub brush until the mould has been removed. Finally, wait for the deck to dry before moving on to the next step.

The bleach does two things: it kills deck mould and mildew, and it bleaches the wood to a uniform colour, preparing it for treatment. If you treat a deck that’s at the point of splinterin­g without applying bleach, you’ll end up with dark, unattracti­ve decking.

Sand it down

Once the bleach solution has dried off the deck (give it about 24 hours, just to be sure), you can move on to sanding. Since splinterin­g decks mean lots of slivers for bare feet, it’s important that you sand down your deck so that you’re once again working with a smooth surface. Renting a large floor sander will certainly speed up the job, though the railings, banisters, steps and other hardto-reach places will probably need to be done with a hand sander or sandpaper. Finally, rent a power washer and clean off the deck. It’s going to be covered in a fine layer of dust from the sanding, and you’ll need to get rid of that if you want your sealer to take properly.

Treat the deck

Once it has dried out a second time, you’re ready to treat the deck. Using a power sprayer drasticall­y reduces the time it takes to treat a deck, though it can be done with paint rollers and brushes if you’ve got the patience. Just watch out for drips and runs, and brush them up quickly. Waiting until after the deck is dry to try to get rid of them is almost impossible. Remember to treat your deck on a regular basis (at least every few years). It’s the only surefire way to prevent problems like splinterin­g, cracking, rot and mould.

Hire contractor­s to fix splinterin­g decks

While it’s possible to repair decking yourself, it’s a timeconsum­ing and laborious job. A decking contractor is experience­d enough to repair decking of all sorts, and they will also have the supplies and know-how to get it done right in a fraction of the time. For this reason, many homeowners find hiring a decking pro to be worth the extra cost.

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