The Hamilton Spectator

All about freckles


Q: Over the past year, I have developed a number of small brown blotches on my face that darken when I’m in the sun. The spots lightened a bit over the winter. What causes this, and is there a way to avoid it from worsening? I am 25 and otherwise healthy.

A: What you are describing sounds like ephelides — also known as freckles. These small areas of extra pigmentati­on on the skin get darker when they are exposed to sunlight during the summer, and then tend to fade during the winter. Freckles typically are not a sign of an underlying skin disorder, and they do not require any treatment. Check them from time to time, though. If you notice any changes, such as one of the spots growing larger or developing an irregular border, see a dermatolog­ist to have it checked.

Ephelides most often appear tan, brown or red. Unlike some other dark skin patches, such as moles, they are flat rather than raised. Freckles are most common in people with fair skin and in those who have red hair. Freckles generally develop in childhood, adolescenc­e or young adulthood, and they may increase in number and distributi­on during that time.

Freckles get darker when exposed to the sun’s ultraviole­t (UV) light. That’s why they become more noticeable in the summertime and fade throughout the winter months.

In some case, freckles may be confused with another type of skin spot known as solar lentigines — sometimes called age spots. Solar lentigines are caused by frequent and prolonged sun exposure over many years. Freckles, on the other hand, are typically a result of genetics. Freckles often fade or disappear with age, while solar lentigines become more common as we age.

You can help keep freckles from getting darker, and reduce the likelihood that more will appear, by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor, or SPF, of 30 or higher when outdoors. Wear sunscreen — even if the sun is not shining, as UV light penetrates through clouds and reflects off water, snow and other surfaces. Apply sunscreen generously and frequently to all areas of exposed skin, particular­ly after you have been swimming or sweating.

Wear protective gear, such as a broadbrimm­ed hat and sunglasses, and limit your time outdoors when the sun is strongest during the late morning and early afternoon. Never use a tanning bed.

 ?? IGOR URANOV/DREAMSTIME TNS ?? Freckles typically are not a sign of an underlying skin disorder, and they do not require any treatment.
IGOR URANOV/DREAMSTIME TNS Freckles typically are not a sign of an underlying skin disorder, and they do not require any treatment.

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