The Hamilton Spectator

Trudeau set high expectatio­ns

NAFTA, Trans Mountain court ruling, the PM set the bar, and he’s missing it

- SUSAN DELECOURT Susan Delacourt is a former Star reporter and freelance columnist based in Ottawa. Reach her via email:

Justin Trudeau has long said he wanted his prime ministersh­ip to be judged by how he handles two big relationsh­ips — with the United States and with Indigenous Canadians.

The prime minister may well remember this week as the one when those words truly came back to bite him.

A high-risk purchase of the Trans Mountain pipeline is now in a dangerous limbo and it’s been a week of high-stakes drama over the future of Canada-U.S. trade.

Trudeau’s critics, from all over the political spectrum, are keen to cast these developmen­ts as major relationsh­ip fails for the PM.

Indigenous activists celebrated a Federal Court ruling on Transmount­ain on Thursday as a sharp rebuke to the Trudeau government’s sincerity about citizen engagement. In fact, it was; in the court’s words, this federal government had failed to conduct a “meaningful, two-way dialogue” with people affected by the pipeline’s proposed expansion in B.C.

Instead, the ruling said, the government simply took note of people’s concerns, which, as tprhe court pointed out, isn’t the same as taking complaints seriously. The legal reprimand would be stinging to any government that promised to do a lot of listening, as this one did, but it’s especially searing in this context because of the constituen­cy being ignored: Indigenous people.

Meanwhile, Conservati­ve leader Andrew Scheer is casting the downto-the-wire negotiatio­ns in Washington this week as a sign that the Trudeau government hasn’t stayed in the loop on trade talks with the United States and Mexico. Scheer said Canada’s scramble to catch up after the U.S. and Mexico reached a deal on Monday was a “not optimal” way to handle Canada-U. S. trade.

If people did have high expectatio­ns of how Trudeau would deal with these two relationsh­ips — with Indigenous people and Americans — that is entirely his own doing.

The primacy of Indigenous relationsh­ips is explicitly laid down in the mandate letters Trudeau gives to all his ministers, including the most recent flurry of letters that went to cabinet members involved in the latest shuffle this summer.

“No relationsh­ip is more important to me and to Canada than the one with Indigenous Peoples,” the letter states.

Only one relationsh­ip might come close — again, according to Trudeau’s own words.

Months before he became prime minister in 2015, Trudeau delivered a keynote speech at the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa, in which he went on at some length about how a prime minister’s main duty is to keep an eye on the historic ties with our American neighbour.

“Management of Canada-U.S. relations is among the largest markers by which history remembers our leaders,” Trudeau said.

To be fair, Trudeau made that speech long before anyone thought Donald Trump would be the next president of the United States — and “anyone” includes Trump, himself.

Relationsh­ips with Trump are not easy, to say the least, and no one would accuse Trudeau and team of not trying to make the best of a difficult situation since the 2016 presidenti­al election. Conservati­ves like to say that Trudeau brought on all this

“Management of Canada-U.S. relations is among the largest markers by which history remembers our leaders.”

Justin Trudeau

latest difficulty by provoking Trump’s wrath back at the G7 in June. But we also know that keeping the peace with Trump seems to involve some level of capitulati­on, and would Canadians want Trudeau simply giving the president everything he wants? Obviously not.

It’s interestin­g to go back and read that 2015 speech, though, in light of the 2018 realities. Take this part:

“Canada’s special relationsh­ip with the United States is not automatic. Like any strong relationsh­ip, you have to put a lot of work into it, and earn it. There is nothing preordaine­d about our influence or value in Washington’s eyes. Policy that fails to acknowledg­e this basic fact will fail,” Trudeau said.

“Threats and a combative approach aren’t going to give us any real influence in Washington. We have to look at the whole picture, to make sure we really understand the true nature of U.S. interests.”

Would Trudeau rewrite that speech today?

No doubt. This has been an eventful week in rewriting and revising — from trade deals to citizen-engagement exercises. All government­s have hard weeks, but this one was a reminder to the prime minister to be careful about what you say is most important to you.

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