The Hamilton Spectator

Military reassures allies about pot

Canadian Forces say impact is ‘nil, if you will’


OTTAWA — The Canadian Armed Forces has sought to reassure allies about the pending legalizati­on of marijuana amid questions in other capitals about the potential impact on future military operations.

The outreach follows last week’s release of a new military policy that limits cannabis use to within Canada and imposes various time limits and other restrictio­ns depending on a service member’s current job and responsibi­lities.

The military’s chief of personnel, Lt.-Gen. Charles Lamarre, said allies in particular watched with extreme curiosity as Canada and the Forces have marched toward legalizati­on on Oct. 17.

The real question for many, he said following a panel discussion hosted by the Canadian Defence Associatio­ns Institute: “How is it going to affect you operationa­lly?” To that end, Lamarre said he’s laid out the Forces’ new policy to counterpar­ts from the so-called Five Eyes — the U.S., Britain, Australia and New Zealand, who represent Canada’s closest military and security partners.

One did question why the Forces didn’t ban marijuana entirely, to which Lamarre explained the military was required to balance service members’ rights as citizens with the safety and security of people, equipment and missions.

Otherwise, he said, they appeared satisfied the policy would ensure Canadian military operations, many of which are conducted alongside allied troops, would not be affected by the legalizati­on of marijuana.

“They can see the operationa­l impact is nil, if you will,” Lamarre said. “We have had absolutely no negative comments come back on this thing.”

That doesn’t mean there won’t be debate and even resistance to the idea of service members using marijuana, including within the Canadian military itself.

“We’re ready from a policy perspectiv­e,” said Kevin West, who helped craft the new marijuana policy, during Tuesday’s panel discussion. “But from a leadership and cultural context, the Canadian Forces isn’t ready.”

The challenge won’t be from the top brass as they largely understand the need to align the military’s policies with the significan­t societal shift currently underway, West added, but rather from mid-level commanders.

There was visible resistance to the idea of troops consuming marijuana during the year-long effort to devise the new policy, particular­ly from older service members who had grown up with a different view of the drug.

“I travelled around the Forces for 200 days a year, and when we had these conversati­ons, there were mental barriers being put up with people saying, ‘I don’t care if it becomes the law, my troops aren’t going to use it,’” said West.

“What we need to have is informed opinions versus personal opinions.”

Set to take effect on Oct. 17, the same day recreation­al marijuana becomes legal nationally, the policy represents the first of its kind in the federal government, though the RCMP is finalizing its own version.

The new rules will apply to all 100,000 uniformed members of the Canadian Forces and the 25,000 civilians employed by the Department of National Defence.

 ?? JUSTIN TANG THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Lt.-Gen. Charles Lamarre says allies have been closely following as the military spent a year developing its policy on marijuana use.
JUSTIN TANG THE CANADIAN PRESS Lt.-Gen. Charles Lamarre says allies have been closely following as the military spent a year developing its policy on marijuana use.

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