The Hamilton Spectator

Canada must provide care continuity for mental health/addiction patients

- DR. CHRIS HOBSON Dr. Chris Hobson is a Family Physician with 15 years of experience and is the Chief Medical Officer at Orion Health.

With World Mental Health Day this week, now is a suitable time to discuss mental health and addiction from an overall, health-care system perspectiv­e.

A study conducted for The Mental Health Commission of Canada estimates that one in five Canadians are affected annually by a mental health or addiction challenge. By age 40, half of the population will have experience­d or presently have a mental illness. About one in 25 adults suffer a severe mental illness each year sufficient to significan­tly impact their ability to go about their daily lives.

Patients who struggle with mental health and addiction interact with the health-care system on a significan­tly more frequent basis than the average Canadian. There are many points of care delivery — in addition to their primary care physician, these individual­s interact with a wide range of mental health care providers including psychiatri­sts, psychologi­sts, addiction counsellor­s, social workers, psychiatri­c nurses and sometimes many more.

In the community, they may have case managers, social workers and rehab providers. If they suffer an acute mental illness, relapse, overdose or experience anything requiring immediate treatment, there are visits to hospital emergency rooms, lengthy stays in mental health clinics and residentia­l withdrawal management programs.

Mental health and substance — use disorders seldom occur in isolation. Patients frequently suffer with both and may also have a number of general medical illnesses especially chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Managing the multiple conditions, long lists of medication­s, and grappling with the impact of the condition itself, mental health patients are more likely than others to accidental­ly omit important medical informatio­n or report it incorrectl­y to their care providers.

Given these realities, improving the quality of care for patients depends on the effective collaborat­ion of all the providers involved. Providers need to share the informatio­n they gather about patients in a shared care plan.

When it comes to informatio­nsharing in our system, consider that 16 per cent of Canadians with chronic conditions (of which mental health and addiction was near the top of the list) report they have undergone unnecessar­y repeat procedures, according to the Orion Health Chronic Care Index, (a survey of Canadians with chronic conditions). Similarly, 18 per cent reported they had experience­d medication errors. Given the risks associated with those unnecessar­y procedures and medication errors, there is still much room for improvemen­t.

The survey also showed that much of our health care delivery system is fragmented into multiple silos that do not work well together. This is not unique to Canada — it is the case in all countries. Care fragmentat­ion reveals itself in many ways, including a lack of communicat­ion between specialist­s and primary care physicians. Add into the mix the wellknown lack of connection between different EHRs, plus the lack of any technology in some community settings and it’s easy to see how patients with mental health challenges may be poorly served.

As a primary care physician, I know that much can be done to improve care for patients suffering from mental health issues by co-ordinating services across all points of care. This community-focused health model has been an aim for years around the world, and it makes sense, both economical­ly and from a health perspectiv­e.

Care coordinati­on is extremely useful in improving the health and quality of life for those with mental health problems who are most at risk of falling through the cracks. It is not a new idea — community nurses have practised and promoted its use for years

Continuity of care is only possible with integratio­n of informatio­n across the community and use of a single care plan that links the efforts of all providers involved in the care of each patient. Complete informatio­n is key to proper decision-making, especially in health. With care coordinati­on and shared electronic health records, practition­ers can have access to the informatio­n they need to make the most informed decision and reduce the chance that people fall through the cracks.

Digital health technology has the ability to change the quality of patient care for people suffering with mental health and addiction challenges, as well as all chronic conditions. When health care providers have access to complete patient informatio­n from the entire care continuum, there is a better quality of life for all.

 ?? METRO ?? Patients who struggle with mental health and addiction interact with the healthcare system on a significan­tly more frequent basis than the average Canadian, writes Dr. Chris Hobson.
METRO Patients who struggle with mental health and addiction interact with the healthcare system on a significan­tly more frequent basis than the average Canadian, writes Dr. Chris Hobson.

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