The Hamilton Spectator

Despite legalizati­on, cannabis prohibited for Canadian athletes


TORONTO — Canada’s antidoping watchdogs are warning athletes that while cannabis use will become legal for the average Canadian as of next weekend, a toke remains taboo for them.

CBD is the short form for “cannabidio­l,” a cannabis extract. But the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) would rather athletes remember it as “Can Be Dangerous.”

The message is part of a CCES social-media campaign to alert athletes to potential pitfalls around the legalizati­on of marijuana.

The drug remains on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s banned substance list, and Paul Melia, the president and CEO of the CCES, said that Canadian athletes need to remember that.

“No. 1, we wanted to make sure that athletes didn’t confuse (legalizati­on) with whether or not marijuana was banned in competitio­n in sport. It does remain banned,” Melia said.

The CCES, which conducts doping tests across Canadian sport on behalf of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program, doesn’t screen for cannabis in out-of-competitio­n tests.

The concern, however, is that an athlete might use cannabis in a recreation­al setting and the drug might still be in the athlete’s system and show up in an incompetit­ion test.

Because marijuana is fat-soluble, it can be detected in the body weeks after it’s ingested, and depends on several factors including how it was consumed and how much.

And the time it takes to clear the system differs from person to person.

“The human biology/physiology and how an individual processes and eliminates marijuana from the system is quite individual, it is quite related to the metabolic rate or size, all kinds of issues, so we can’t even provide a rule of thumb, so (athletes) have to be very careful,” Melia said.

The CCES has lobbied for the removal of cannabis from WADA’s banned list. Other countries argue vehemently against removal.

“There are countries like the U.S. and Japan, to name two, who feel very strongly about marijuana being an illicit drug and a gateway drug to other drugs, and part of the war on drugs in the U.S., and they don’t want to send a message in any way, shape or form that it’s OK to use marijuana,” Melia said.

WADA has raised the reporting threshold of cannabis in an attempt to rule out recreation­al use. Labs used to report the presence of marijuana when it would be found to be above 50 nanograms per millilitre. That’s been raised to 150 nng /ml.

The biggest area of cannabis concern, Melia said, is Canadian university sports — U Sports — which produces the “vast majority” of marijuana antidoping rule violations in Canada.

David Goldstein, U Sports’ chief operating officer, pointed out the high number reflects the fact that there are 15,000 athletes competing in Canadian universiti­es.

The CCES annual report for 2016-17 listed just two antidoping rule violations for cannabis by university or college athletes, and one by a non-collegiate judo athlete.

As part of the CCES’s dangers of cannabis blitz, the national organizati­on has made its Cannabis Education Kit available to all athletes including those in university and college.

There’s also informatio­n on the CCES website.

Goldstein is confident U Sports athletes are well-educated about the dangers.

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