The Hamilton Spectator

Believe you found the best lead


G.K. Chesterton, an English writer who wore many hats during his life that ended in 1936, said, “I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you clean.”

At the bridge table, you can get into hot water by bidding too high. At other times, you need to believe that you did the right thing earlier.

This deal is an example. West was on lead against three spades. He chose the diamond five, as would most. What happened after that?

North responded with one notrump forcing. South rebid in his lower-ranking three-card minor. Then North jumped to three spades, inviting game with exactly three-card support. South, with his balanced minimum, wished he could have retreated to two spades.

South won the first trick with his diamond king and played a spade to dummy's queen. East took that trick and shifted to the heart two. West won with his 10, cashed the ace and played a third round. Declarer ruffed, took the spade king to see the split, crossed to the club ace, returned the spade eight to his nine, drew trumps, cashed his two club winners and, slightly greedily, played a diamond to the jack to end with an overtrick.

West could not believe that he had found the killing lead. If he had been more confident, after winning the third trick with his heart 10, he would have led another diamond. East would have ruffed, put partner on lead with a heart and gotten a second ruff to defeat the contract.

Unless the evidence is incontrove­rtible, believe!

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