The Hamilton Spectator

Electoral reform or ‘childish’ criticism?



Several recent letters have highlighte­d the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve government does not speak for all citizens of Ontario. The current first-past-the-post electoral system, which allows federal and provincial political parties to form majority government­s despite receiving a minority of support, was solidified by our prime minister in 2016.

Since Doug Ford seems to be in the crosshairs of the progressiv­e readership for an electoral system the Liberals refuse to change, I remind you of a newspaper gem from the Globe and Mail: “Premier Kathleen Wynne has extended the Liberals’ decade-long rule of Ontario, winning a stunning majority mandate for her ambitious agenda of transit-building and a provincial pension plan — the largest new social program in a generation.”

Although the Liberal Party of Ontario only received 19 per cent support of eligible voters in that election, they went on to form a government with 54 per cent of the Legislatur­e’s seats. Stunning majority? Mandate? Provincial pension plan?

We can continue to use The Spec as a childish form of one-upmanship for narrow political views, or we can have a serious discussion about electoral reform and responsibl­e government. Maybe then we can find sanity in a wacky political world.

Jeff Wiersma, Binbrook

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