The Hamilton Spectator

The Job of a Life


The job of a life is to be born, take its first breath,


The job of a life is to be held within loving arms, to be precious, to laugh

To love and be loved

The job of a life is to s st s stu tte r

To walk, to fall

To get back up, fall.

To get back up, fall.

To never give up.

The job of a life is to be nervous, confusing, to feel too big, to imagine

To learn.

To run, jump, play

To learn.

To feel, to see, to taste, to smell, to touch, to hear To learn.

The job of a life is to feel beautiful, the job of a life is to be ugly. To be misunderst­ood, to be alone, to be overlooked The job of a life is to branch out, to move away from its roots and find a new life, to share, to explore, to become. To work, to work, to work, To work.

To find love, to be sweet, to be bitter, to be happy, to be sad. The job of a life is to pass by all too quickly. The job of a life is to slowly turn grey, bend at the back, and limp with a cane. To never give up.

To forget, to remember To forget, to remember. The job of a life is to wrinkle, to reminisce, to repress To love and be loved. To cough, to regret, to be content.

The job of a life is to cry. take its final breath.

The job of a life is to die.

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