The Hamilton Spectator

‘Super agency’ the wrong solution

Other provinces show it won’t save money, and will politicize governance


I am a health care rink rat. Like the kid who can’t wait to get to the local arena, I love Ontario health care.

I love our operating rooms, ER’s, and the clinics where dedicated teams provide compassion­ate care every day. I admire the home-care workers who keep frail seniors independen­t in their communitie­s and have enormous respect for private companies like Schlegel Villages, which operates world-class nursing homes.

After spending a lifetime working in a variety of roles in Ontario health, I cannot help but speak out when I see that our health care is being put at risk.

For the last 30 years, Ontario has developed an enviable reputation for making improvemen­ts to its health system, one step at a time and avoiding the radical gyrations that have damaged other systems across Canada.

Incrementa­l improvemen­t has come from all sides of the political spectrum. Premier Mike Harris accomplish­ed the controvers­ial work of hospital restructur­ing, and his Health Minister Tony Clement reformed Cancer Care Ontario to create one of the best cancer systems in the world.

Former Liberal Health Minister Deb Matthews created a quality culture you can feel today at the front lines of care with clinicians who grew up under her quality legislatio­n. And Premier Bob Rae’s NDP government introduced the original home care legislatio­n in 1994.

This non-partisan attention to improving health care has resulted in a system that is the least expensive in Canada, has the best wait times, has dramatical­ly improved the risk of Ontarians dying prematurel­y and brings medical trainees from around the world to learn how we do it.

Being the least expensive system in Canada, however, has resulted in a shortfall in capacity that has caused hospital overcrowdi­ng and hallway medicine. Thankfully, most of the answers to this problem are straightfo­rward and will be addressed by tackling four big problems in Ontario right now:

We urgently need to build and open 15,000 new nursing home beds. Thereafter, we need to keep increasing nursing home beds and home care capacity (not necessaril­y budgets) at 3 to 5 per cent annually because the population of Ontarians over the age of 75 is going to increase at this rate for years to come. Poor customer service. Expanding mental illness treatment.

Improving health for Indigenous Ontarians.

All four of these areas require focused incrementa­l work.

But none of these problems require blowing up the Ontario health system as proposed in the draft super-agency legislatio­n leaked by the opposition last week. To understand the risk of the super agency, let’s look at the experience­s of other provinces that have gone down this road.

In 2017, a blue-ribbon panel in Nova Scotia evaluated its equivalent of a super agency two years in and found a “nonsystem — disconnect­ed, not communicat­ing, non-agile, nonpeople-centred as well as front-line staff and managers who feel helpless and unable to effect the changes they know have to happen.”

Based on this analysis, the review panel strongly recommende­d that any agency should be independen­t of political interferen­ce from the government. The Ontario super agency will be directed by the health minister, the opposite of what is recommende­d by the Nova Scotia review.

But what worries me is that the Ontario super agency would take over responsibi­lity for cancer care and organ transplant­ation with Cancer Care Ontario and Trillium Gift of Life disbanded and the Cancer Act repealed.

These two organizati­ons have created world-leading cancer and transplant systems that have saved many thousand Ontario lives. It is possible that this good work would continue under the super agency, but that has not been the case in other provinces when super agencies were created.

Nor can we expect to save money. Based on the Alberta experience, introducin­g an Ontario super agency could increase annual health-care costs in this province by an extra $14 billion (Alberta health costs $1,000 more per person than Ontario).

Ontario’s health system has continuous­ly improved without chaotic changes in structure. Incrementa­l change is not fear of innovation — it is introducin­g change in a responsibl­e, safe manner that limits patient risk.

We have a proud history of healthcare improvemen­t under government­s with varied political principles. Our premier deserves to be known as the man who fixed hospital overcrowdi­ng in Ontario — not the man who damaged world-class organ transplant and cancer care.

Bob Bell worked in Ontario health care for more than 40 years as a GP, surgeon, hospital CEO and deputy minister of Health.

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