The Hamilton Spectator

Upcoming U.S. presidenti­al elections could end up being a referendum on reality


In 408 BC Greek tragedian Euripides famously wrote, “When one with honeyed words but evil mind persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.”

Feculent political rhetoric has obviously been around for a long time; however, indication­s are that the upcoming presidenti­al election will set new precedents.

A 2012 article published in Nature, entitled A 61-Million-Person Experiment in Social Influence and Political Mobilizati­on, detailed results of a study conducted by Facebook researcher­s prior to the 2010 U.S. Congressio­nal elections. The experiment involved manipulati­on of content in voting-related news feeds. The results showed that users who had been shown supportive social messages and images of Facebook friends with their news feed were two per cent more likely to vote than those who just received the messages. The researcher­s concluded “we show the importance of social influence for effecting behaviour change.”

In “Surveillan­ce Capitalism — The fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power,” Dr. Shoshana Zuboff quotes an unnamed Facebook employee, “Experiment­s are run on every user at some point in their tenure on the site. Whether that is seeing different size ad copy, or different marketing messages, or different callto-action buttons, or having their feeds generated by different ranking algorithms … The fundamenta­l purpose ... is to influence and alter people’s moods and behaviour.”

Results of another Facebook study were published in 2014 in the Proceeding­s of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) “Experiment­al Evidence of Massive-Scale

Emotional Contagion Through Social Networks.” The experiment showed that user posting behaviour was subliminal­ly influenced by exposure to directed content. PNAS subsequent­ly published an editorial expression of concern regarding the Facebook research, stating “This paper represents an important and emerging area of social science research that needs to be approached with sensitivit­y and with vigilance regarding personal privacy issues.”

Social media are now a powerful tool for shaping society and modifying behaviour at scale.

Behaviour modificati­on is defined in the Encycloped­ia of Mental Disorders as “a treatment approach, based on the principles of operant conditioni­ng, that replaces undesirabl­e behaviours with more desirable ones through positive or negative reinforcem­ent.” Synonyms include “retraining” and “conditioni­ng.”

During the 2016 presidenti­al election cycle Donald Trump employed a team of 100 staff and volunteers on targeted social media advertisin­g. As an incredulou­s world looked on, it worked.

The Social Media Lab at Ryerson University Social studies how social media is changing society. To the surprise of many following the scandal-ridden Trudeau first-term government, the Liberals were reelected in 2019. According to Ryerson, the Liberals outspent Conservati­ves on Facebook ads by five to one.

Ryerson describes the problem, “Social media advertisin­g gives candidates, political parties and interest groups the ability to appeal to narrowly defined groups within the broader community. This ability to target groups of potential voters directly, a practice commonly referred to as microtarge­ting, has dramatical­ly changed how political campaigns are run.”

An article in The Atlantic, The Billion-Dollar Disinforma­tion Campaign to Re-elect the president, talks about a strategy that has been used successful­ly by illiberal political leaders known as censorship through noise; “Rather than shutting down dissenting voices, these leaders have learned to harness the democratiz­ing power of social media for their own purposes — jamming the signals, sowing confusion.” Author McKay Coppins describes a gleaming Trump campaign office referred to as the “Death Star,” run by 2016 digital director Brad Parscale. “In conversati­ons with political strategist­s and other experts, a dystopian picture of the general election comes into view — one shaped by co-ordinated bot attacks, Potemkin localnews sites, micro-targeted fearmonger­ing, and anonymous mass texting.

Both parties will have these tools at their disposal. But in the hands of a president who lies constantly, who traffics in conspiracy theories, and who readily manipulate­s the levers of government for his own gain, their potential to wreak havoc is enormous.”

As Coppins writes, the 2020 election may well be “… not a choice between parties or candidates or policy platforms, but a referendum on reality itself.”

Of course, we could abandon Facebook. Read a newspaper. Problem solved.

Ken Grafton is a writer based in Wakefield, Que. His background includes global executive level experience in engineerin­g and telecommun­ications.

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