The Hamilton Spectator

Exterior renovation­s that can improve home value


Renovating a home to improve its value can be a smart investment. Interior improvemen­ts, such as updating kitchens and baths, offer good return on investment, but there are plenty of exterior renovation­s that can add value to a home and give it that coveted

“wow” factor.


Abundant and well-planned landscapin­g can instantly boost curb appeal. According to the landscapin­g company Lawn Starter, 71 percent of prospectiv­e home buyers say a home’s curb appeal is an important factor in their buying decisions. As buyers use the internet to look for their dream homes, there’s no denying a beautifull­y landscaped, nicely photograph­ed property can entice buyers to click and read more about a house.

Address insects and minor repairs

Improving home value may come down to fixing areas of the home that can negatively affect its appeal to buyers. Hire an inspector to look at key components of the house and recommend what needs to be fixed. This way it is discovered before home buyers come in and do their own inspection­s. Termite infestatio­ns, deteriorat­ing roofs and hidden water leaks are some things that might need fixing.

Improve the entryway

The front door is the focal point of a home’s exterior. Invest in a new door or paint it a striking color to add appeal. Reomodelin­g magazine's “Cost color vs. to Value add Report appeal. 2019” Remodeling indicates magazine’s changing an entry door to a steel replacemen­t can offer 74.9 percent ROI. Such a door provides visual appeal and added security — things buyers look for. In addition to the front door, make sure that the entryway has a level walkway, steps that are in good repair, accents that are free from rust or tarnish, and decorative plants.

Outdoor lighting

Outdoor lighting can add to the ambiance of a property and serve as a security feature. Utilize different lights, such as a bright light by the entry, uplighting in trees and shrubs for drama, a lightlined path to the door to improve visibility, and motion-detection lights to improve the security of the property.

Repaint (or reside) the exterior

A fresh coat of paint or new (or cleaned) siding can instantly give homes a facelift. Neutral, warm and inviting colors tend to have the widest appeal.

Adding manufactur­ed stone veneer to the home can offer a 94.9 percent ROI, says Remodeling.

And after doing the front door and siding, investing in a garage door replacemen­t offers the highest ROI of all exterior projects listed on the “Cost vs. Value Report 2019.” This improvemen­t returns 97.5 percent when selling. Knowing which improvemen­ts add value to a home can help homeowners tailor their efforts to those that are most financiall­y beneficial.

 ??  ?? There are plenty of exterior renovation­s that can add value to a home and give it that coveted “wow” factor.
There are plenty of exterior renovation­s that can add value to a home and give it that coveted “wow” factor.

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