The Hamilton Spectator

Minneapoli­s council advances plan to dismantle city’s police department


MINNEAPOLI­S—The Minneapoli­s City Council on Friday unanimousl­y approved a proposal to change the city charter to allow the police department to be dismantled, following mass public criticism of law enforcemen­t over the killing of George Floyd.

The 12-0 vote is just the first step in a process that faces significan­t bureaucrat­ic obstacles to make the November ballot, where the city’s voters would have the final say. And it came amid a spate of recent shootings in Minnesota’s largest city that have heightened many citizens’ concerns about talk of dismantlin­g the department. The proposed amendment next goes to a policy committee and to the city’s charter commission for a formal review, at which point citizens and city officials can also weigh in.

“I hope that the Charter Commission will recognize the moment that we are in and take our offer of support, however we can provide it, to expedite this process so that voters have a chance to have their voices heard on this important question and this important moment in our city’s history,” council president Lisa Bender said.

The Minneapoli­s force has come under heavy pressure since Floyd, a Black man in handcuffs, died May 25 after a police officer pressed his knee on Floyd’s neck for nearly eight minutes. Activists have long accused the department of being unable to change a racist and brutal culture, and earlier this month, a majority of the council proclaimed support for dismantlin­g the department.

Jeremiah Ellison, a member of the council, said after the vote that the charter has been a barrier to the kinds of changes that citizens have demanded.

Draft language of the amendment posted online would replace the department with a Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention, “which will have responsibi­lity for public safety services prioritizi­ng a holistic, public health-oriented approach.” The amendment goes on to say the director of the new agency would have “non-lawenforce­ment experience in community safety services.”

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