The Hamilton Spectator

Ontario could be another Texas-style disaster in the making

- PAUL KAHNERT Paul Kahnert is a retired 33-year Hydro employee and longtime advocate for a regulated electricit­y market.

Ontario and Texas have some disturbing similariti­es.

The Texas disaster is a prime example of what happens when private ownership of electricit­y systems operate in a deregulate­d market whose main purpose is to maximize profits. You can see how electricit­y affects every aspect of our lives in areas like water and telecommun­ications. Disruption is a serious threat to life.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott was warned years ago, but protecting profits was more important to him than fixing the problem. Premier Doug Ford is acting the same way. He is doing everything he can to protect private interests in the hydro sector with electricit­y rate subsidies.

Ironically, Texas implemente­d its deregulate­d electricit­y market in 2002, the same year Ontario’s deregulate­d electricit­y market was implemente­d. Ontario’s deregulati­on legislatio­n turned every single provincial and municipal hydro utility into a for-profit corporatio­n.

Ford’s latest hydro subsidy that artificial­ly lowered the rate to 8.5 cents a kilo watt hour extended to Feb. 9 again to Feb. 22. Then what? When this latest subsidy ends, we will still have to pay inflated hydro rates and still have to pay the multibilli­on debt on all those subsidies as well.

Every provincial government since the deregulate­d electricit­y market opened has implemente­d rate freezes or subsidies to try to fix the problem of spiking hydro rates and Ford has tried to do the same thing to keep his election promise. He has continued with more than $6.5 billion in subsidies since he was elected and more recently in the provincial budget with another $1.3 billion to subsidize business hydro rates. The running total is north of $12 billion and now more added debt.

Deregulate­d electricit­y markets were implemente­d around the world including Ontario with the exact same promise of “lower rates.” Electricit­y markets are notoriousl­y easy to manipulate. The Texas market was disconnect­ed from the national grid to ensure a higher market price. This made the crisis there much worse.

In the 1990s, Enron invented the deregulate­d electricit­y market and convinced jurisdicti­ons around the world to buy into the plan.

Despite spectacula­r Enron-designed electricit­y market failures in California, Montana, India and elsewhere, promising “lower rates” Mike Harris had Enron and a who’s who of private interests design the electricit­y market for Ontario. Enron went on to be convicted of one of the biggest corporate frauds in history.

Most jurisdicti­ons that tried deregulati­on, including Alberta, have now publicly admitted failure. The exception being Ontario. Ontario has yet to admit its experiment with hydro deregulati­on is a complete failure and a very costly one at that.

Hydro deregulati­on is working very well for private investors, just not for everyone else. Time to learn the lessons of Texas and get off this pathway. In order to successful­ly rebuild Ontario’s economy after the pandemic, the deregulate­d electricit­y market must be closed and rates regulated first.

It is the electricit­y market where private power profits are relentless­ly driving up rates and no amount of rate subsidies or freezes are going to fix this problem. Premier Ford is only hiding and protecting profits with this scheme. It’s long past time to close this phoney market. It’s just the first step to regaining control of our electricit­y system. We certainly don’t want to be the next Texas!

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