The Hamilton Spectator

Fixer Upper Properties In Hamilton


Hamilton - Fixer uppers and handyman specials often represent a good way to get a great deal on a home. As long as you are aware that these homes need work, are prepared to create a realistic budget ahead of time, and remember to leave yourself some financial “wiggle room”, you can have an ideal home for much less than what comparable homes (already in top condition) are selling for.

If you’re the type of person who recognizes a “diamond in the rough” you’ll know “a great deal when you see one” and you will be interested to know about our new free House-Hunter Service, which automatica­lly searches out and downloads a current list of properties - day in and day out.

Here’s how it works: Every evening our algorithm searches through all the new listings from every real estate company that have been listed in the past 24 hours. We review each and every one of these listings in order to find the best buys on the market. From this, we create a comprehens­ive Hot List, which we will email to you FREE of charge and without obligation.

Our Fixer Upper Hot List will help you identify the best buys on the market right now. This organized informatio­n, sent to you in an incredibly simple and efficient format, will give you a huge advantage over other buyers in the marketplac­e.

To receive your Fixer Upper “Hot List”, call 289-799-3530 and enter ext. 858, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for an automatic message with all the details or go to www.GreatFixer­ Order your list NOW and start searching for your Fixer Upper.

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