The Hamilton Spectator

Should I move on from disinteres­ted friend?


Q There’s a friendship situation that I’m dealing with right now, but I need your insights on it.

I’ve known the friend for almost seven years now. We started out as roommates and continued as friends after I moved out, but the past year has been tough to handle. It has me thinking whether this friendship is worth continuing.

I got married in the summer, and just one month before he told me he could not attend my wedding due to “money issues.” I obviously wanted him present, but said this was understand­able, and I told him it was fine.

During the months following my wedding, he did not even reach out to congratula­te me. I was shocked and when he finally did contact me, I told him how I felt.

He offered no excuse, acted annoyed, said I was overreacti­ng and told me to “stop causing drama.” I begrudging­ly got over it and tried to set up meetings for beers, but he has bailed each time.

At this point, I’m starting to feel pathetic and am not sure why I’m chasing a friend who doesn’t seem to want to reciprocat­e. I know this is about my ego feeling damaged, but I also feel it might just be the truth that he could care less about me as a friend.

Is this friendship even worth salvaging? Lost Friendship

A A seven-year friendship that included being roommates for a while is a significan­t connection while it’s happening. But you took a natural step into your next more important relationsh­ip through marriage.

What happened then was also predictabl­e. You were newly married, learning a new lifestyle of full-time partnershi­p with the woman you love. He couldn’t afford to attend the wedding. These are both equal factors dividing you from being together or even communicat­ing much.

Then, he did contact you, but you were put off. It’s the equivalent of a brothers’ “squabble” or misunderst­anding. You’d been close for those early years but are now living in separate personal universes.

You’ve already moved on, and so has he, in that you both have other people, responsibi­lities, important tasks. Drop feeling pathetic or feeling ego-damaged. The distancing was natural on both your parts. You were engrossed in a momentous event; he was not. Understand that life happens to each of us in stages. The closest of university-age friends are as likely to spend their next seven, 10 or even 20 years deeply engrossed in job/career/marriage/family. Yet they may still make contact and reconnect years later.

Don’t analyze or reconstruc­t what you think he feels. Be yourself and be aware that he, too, is in another life phase now.

Q I’m a highly sensitive person requiring lots of solitude.

I’ve upset a daughter-in-law who “doesn’t feel welcome” and doesn’t know what she’s done wrong. She stayed here for nine days with her child and puppy. Mother and child have different diets from my husband and I, we are in our 70s.

I explained that I can manage three days of guests. My husband was fine with her nine-day visit. This issue was then shared with his other child who won’t speak to me. I felt unsupporte­d by my husband and feel this issue complicate­s our future.

Your thoughts?

Marital Issues

A You and your husband both know your sensitivit­ies. The visit time should’ve been fully discussed and its duration agreed upon. Maybe his other child could’ve hosted the guest. There’s equal blame here. The young mom did nothing wrong.

Ellie’s tip of the day

Adult life presents in stages, with past friends moving on but sometimes reconnecti­ng years later.

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