The Hamilton Spectator

Opportunit­y Coasts

The stories and novella in Amor Towles’s new collection are set in two very different cultural capitals.

- By HAMILTON CAIN HAMILTON CAIN is a book critic and the author of “This Boy’s Faith: Notes From a Southern Baptist Upbringing.”

FEW LITERARY STYLISTS not named Ann Patchett attain best-sellerdom, but Amor Towles makes the cut. His novels hang around on lists for months, if not years. But Towles’s commercial brio belies the


By Amor Towles

Viking. 451 pp. $32.

care and craft he lavishes on each piece, evidenced now in “Table for Two,” a knockout collection of six stories and a novella.

The book spans the 20th century, bringing characters into tableaus of deceit and desire. Beneath his coifed prose Towles is a master of the shiv, the bait and switch; we see the flash of light before the shock wave strikes, often in the final sentence.

“Table for Two” is a tale of two cities, New York and Los Angeles, cultural capitals on opposite ends of the continent but forever tracking each other, a mutual voyeurism. Towles devotes the first section to New York, its wealthy and famous shuffling against strivers and innocents in La Guardia terminals, musty bookstores or immigrant communitie­s.

In “The Line,” a naïve Communist builds a lucrative business that steers him to Manhattan, where con games lurk on every corner. In “The Ballad of Timothy Touchett,” an allegory of 1990s excess, a rare-books dealer with the Dickensian name of Pennybrook manipulate­s his young assistant, who forges autographs of eminent authors until he’s busted by one. “Hasta Luego” tells the story of an alcoholic snowbound in a Midtown bar on the cusp of the millennium; mentions of Motorola and Nokia flip phones remind us how far away the near past really is.

But the Oscar goes to “Eve in Hollywood,” a novella that unfolds during the filming of “Gone With the Wind.” Towles tricks out the Tinseltown lore in a homage to the heyday of studio moguls and the hard-boiled fiction of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler.

Towles plucks a character from “Rules of Civility,” Evelyn Ross, picking up her narrative as she’s traveling to California. In the dining car she meets Charlie, a retired L.A.P.D. officer who will later prove an asset. She checks into the Beverly Hills Hotel, where she befriends an eclectic crew: a portly, has-been actor; a chauffeur with stuntman aspiration­s; and the rising star Olivia de Havilland. Eve is fearless, equally at home among poolside cabanas and seedy clubs.

“From across the room you could see that no one had a leash on her,” one petty crook observes. “With the narrowed eyes of a killer, she was sussing out the place, and she liked what she saw.”

When nude photos of de Havilland go missing, part of a larger tabloid plot, Eve vows to save her friend’s reputation. She’s a femme fatale turned inside out, matching wits amid an array of villains. Towles is clearly enjoying himself, nodding to noir classics such as “The Postman Always Rings Twice,” “Chinatown” and “L.A. Confidenti­al.” The period details are nearly airtight, although I did notice tiny anachronis­ms about Elizabeth Taylor and the slang term “easy peasy.”

“Table for Two” delivers the kick of a martini served in the Polo Lounge but there’s more here than high gloss. Both coasts are ideal settings for morality plays about power, as Towles cunningly weaves in themes of exploitati­on, an allusion to Shelley’s “Ozymandias,” a bust of Julius Caesar glimpsed by Eve on the Ides of March. Whether we’re living in the era of late-stage capitalism is beside the point; money, Towles suggests, will simply mutate into another form, preying on the vulnerable. “When it moves, it moves quickly, without a sound, a second thought, or the slightest hint of consequenc­e,” he writes. “Like the wind that spins a windmill, money comes out of nowhere, sets the machinery in motion, then disappears without a trace.” It’s on us to summon our better angels.

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