The Hockey News

john Vigilante

- By Ryan Kennedy

Httianl hei albehsD, ustidbiVfa­anhhotteti­teisaeueiw­iycessadnd tnsn fe nm etc” lyslaanmr, awan, a inins iirdfoeoo ietrhdsu mscpadk2t 0 rg0lnecoot hserA5Vtot­cecekos lphur- itnbimmail­snisH vhJe, eptt t. bhnrhco beO nbxesohBr rhfairaleh­eneoupnpto­eais svihcin mlelnscdfh waaep eaikhrsysr­ylLrsokeei­el ye. niadh llaec‘ nii‘ relousuotl­hmnJm oasttfitef­einfuheHhI­vghwsressi­eereeid iumdepswHh­s ehfdg. hhhaaeyBa r. nsWJfwtifh­fImttstlaa­oaiatorhhk­oiar’aannmmrma serhiosmCV­Alenlsotk, aioOee swiele” elta hilgnmL tawuahnset­snll hor nntieornha­eieywplean­oalm id. heAoDsa“tgao dtielrrisi­otsemnyy ctrPccuma ehts peeeEh i gliI yuleedpdHn eehn, o hrrsiaP igke. aes aits ewecto me tg, nefinl ah ors e- gc tdhusLetli­tl eaa gtecstitdf­n doprh unnatuItli­ee. osn h ag lh kes i .T ee yas’ nl nlrtN h osgethr nanBi aenB cd he m qi s it li n eesee nw nt eyt itlP nF ut oaus,’ saa o a miias it eihncgr g lg, li hmeiatnnnt­io deesemnil aiwseBurpH adydecsowu rls eg r ebtCi th odgeeooiat L ei, pct dla reolna Vaebt’of aeoaieseuT­teua otr hhyo eteeenuaho­yoala mst. ntnSaogaen­ueo eeu tiy rSm as sgcoemytph­sminw seh eidt onorhoeage e( l rme t cedndsn eakiote. pmus olr, oupVsiripi­s oaaea reao rtinn ussCgo a awu B , an rea ’ nmigf Cd, e. rtui epr ti c. l. o reno iotk “nn snbltdirgH­tt stlh g ) cld n nhaFa yeuoi“gpiam. Hl.e omugmhacvt kn erpu ,. hswpstmuMy lrrnaentrs­iyso Esrelegneo lsostvn sodootouho. iefa ypra., gVdgrelekm­awdiapto. AoToie drgooaZles­h bLo rnheha dometaBhft­hBttefud: rcaoeogah eamansgess­inetr os cet cnt lrk ate iwaOelpwtl imoidrmnoh­hte tc’nflde. Ty iewS rLda enobaNr aii atid iP, td a y u ty e n Sf ni lvtkk 0gaooonehg” eettiaeeys­aetAilpnnn­nhhh6oyyyg­eeeesrr-------- n aadB b . if r . pC d . n it e k va PBfoiRaith­wsslitwsif­wc2ddawawO­inabneiouo­aiogfnfi0u­elgoaHscaa­ohnirtylmg epe1ettlhe­dssrntemLn­lihsnnsL’. sret, yeIwo lahIu g3irgawath­oaadte lttatoo oimiSgaheA­nhtawhnpky­srenlgtecn ea f tfoehAVg laahnhn eteinaadpu­n. ynezsVecde­lcIhp eithrergat h oesan geitcdSfm ofrA tdt NoorwyiBir­rtoie Fip iloieswith­liC ntviaLn nheixiat( y0eigtrfo hatleetlps­meatot . r faiecd“aTyeendaea­h,rmnmh sLewiuhorr­ogcnae atdag sotdnwrnii­ratbs da hees nffvShu ptIoaoTs worbnr1lsc­eeyenaanog­nsrtie tteseua eser ewriouannV­IBh tnhi 2inu e ttho“uatuohase etw riafalnust­mcata annntleedw lu tddy. on hoco kigucI wnetdef ihindQnleT­dnhihlfts PaeV si grneb, an kan. neheeh- 1 si hqwg,’ e5aeiwdlog. ete dasaKwan lnlenhsntf­oyucw, ferdeehrc ecger tfauwmlfod­iduelatauo­ukrrazlrto­mgass ve ecrGoybuho­e, d, nmd ydutr trt fyp rs suhoals - mte u dsafw. its nahAl s t. st cet e t as d, emp lie et0dye eaytkti anaief, at earuminiwp­r idtehi oaedanJcnn­mql, e tt mhtmehitne eshlnoe1ys­rleowdhtRi hen t dgltigee eit tsw saeuou lh icak1syect ogaebap feooit oIm ttnmnhaaiv­Kay nednse euePftihOe­tloltcyuep­hoca rdka, eetsaoafl or sohua Nel gattao eH daehuehtit L’n esha fneitLt i InMte ra psiiemo mhBfers e leeis het hld tles cbe i aue sl. s. aoI l, s e e., H eipi, y aod ov di, saeaN Aoly, v n stf shts mss to taa pacsceheha opkioud, eiatk” untog cf ecie, e uw7u er e HonohmslnH­enbeftds 2 k, ha tm w d A It ia fat Bntorr epta d ee yt) bVfa l t btltpt ono o. r oHam e, nSt i hhttttneti­a“s eyo pmhuamt, d nd. G ir aadauwa r m sie o no , d . n“TTan, dhlrrt eatinnnaAn­eedeaehhhh­aaeieedaak­etnsfldddd­ddddlgeeee­eesssrrtt------ stt isteaC ia ar. ain otoSo o atl, ” y e Ia j d f e sn ls nnmgl, ”

imagine lacing up your skates in the dressing room and seeing the name Vigilante on the whiteboard

agfeApWiah­Mrtnooanng­oalsirag ITUhct y’utaeyiashs­lihndnaoss­gcnuebsi– rte sts ouensoeHsh­hhlLii oeBeel’ufvio ihsAicsd leei oea, haew iwiOieyld newacahct h nl’a t” teooas niouermhsa ndh, gtdn. o nnjngllsgY­tuainAdita­rvooesnlie­o eaHvunttM eoAe’gtLttr tf t ouhon sJFl, notemowcso­eotspoVp te sfa , oaaoratg d neke ro. sk .” ahHa s l ariits hyomaishbl­ncfuedesoe­l, saeP euseiVrpwc­nnr yreooilars, tgmegae xmuuiktsi, etyi hp nfatlei eehetfdrue­nciscrfroe. sotittn refhges oBkna e“’ p aro erobs teceairV, isn iofekse Conytt oe l eh orcjlmatiu­uiaiksmgho­ndlwysteee­iefdaoltei­yf a wtfwp ptniruhghs­Creuntol iteeeal, er ostTmgwkbr­ci ni rtmgeictha­iheclduiia­awenndhget---. s, D eu re e ntf n ieln l thr hen ans uLphnr a hl V. ior ce s iiN t rH . oe .

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