The McGill Daily

Fuck Beige

Lies, half-truths, and juste un trou d’eau


Fuck beige. Like, fuck off-white beige, not nice warm beige. Fuck off-white beige clothing. Fuck vintage off-white beige clothing. Fuck ugly vintage off-white beige sportswear. Fuck the white girls in the Mile End that wear ugly vintage off-white beige sportswear with brand new white sneakers. Fuck white sneakers. Fuck the fact that they remind me of the fucking sneakers I wore for three fucking years until they fell apart on my fucking feet and ended up so fucking far off white they were fucking dark grey.

Fuck the white, cream and beige apartments that the beige wearing hipsters live in. Fuck their tastefully run down and sparse furnishing­s. Fuck the fact that you can spot from a fucking mile that they’re not actually poor because there’s something so fucking put together about them, something fucking shines from them. They fucking gleam. Maybe it’s all the fucking tones of beige.

Fuck all the supposed second hand stores in the Mile End that cost so fucking much and have stopped selling vintage clothing and instead sell fucking white tees and beige canvas bags. Fuck their off-white beige interiors. Fuck the beige tones of literally every hip store on Saint Viateur. Fuck beige. Fuck ugly offwhite beige trenchcoat­s, fuck perfectly filled beige eyebrows, fuck the all white, cream and beige homes they all go home to and will build again one day.

Fuck how a part of me wants to fucking have it all. Fuck wanting the perfect cream fluffy enormous pouf my aunt and uncle have. Fuck wanting the safety of growing up in a spotless beige home. Fuck wishing my parents had had the fluffy gorgeous white beds I see in other people’s fucking beige homes instead of having slept on the fucking floor. Fuck wanting the solid beige clothes, the boring linen pants, the inconspicu­ous cream sweater. Fuck wanting the ugly vintage beige sportswear even though it’s so fucking ugly, but beige is the colour of those that can afford to be boring.

Fuck wanting to hide all my fears, darkness, insecuriti­es and impurities underneath the comforting impunity of off-white beige. Fuck me fucking beige, what’s so fucking bad about beige, who fucking knows.

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