The McGill Daily


Using adult human skin cells to generate motor neurons

- Lindsay Burns Sci+tech Writer

Is it easier to construct a new house or renovate an old one to make it new? What about cells? Would growing a new cell type from an undifferen­tiated stem cell or converting one cell type into another be easier? Although both ways pose significan­t challenges in a laboratory setting, researcher­s Daniel Abernathy and colleagues have taken the latter approach by creating a method to transform adult human skin cells into normal functionin­g motor neurons. This could mean new treatment for neurodegen­erative diseases. Research on neurodegen­erative diseases has long been thwarted by the lack of a reliable method to culture human motor neurons in a laboratory setting. Motor neurons carry signals from the central nervous system to other parts of the body, including the muscles, skin, and glands, but damage to them also underlies many destructiv­e neurodegen­erative diseases, like amyotrophi­c lateral sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease) and muscular atrophy.

To convert adult human skin cells into other cell types, researcher­s exposed skin cells to molecular signals that are found at high concentrat­ions in the brain, such as small fragments of RNA called micrornas (mirnas). The directed reprogramm­ing of these cells into fully differenti­ated neurons requires large-scale changes in their epigenetic and transcript­ional states, which control states of gene activation and repression. Brain-enriched mirnas, such as mir-9 and mir-124, can trigger the reconfigur­ation of chromatin accessibil­ity, DNA methylatio­n, and MRNA expression when exposed to susceptibl­e cells. Essentiall­y, this means that these mirnas are involved in repackagin­g the genetic instructio­ns of the cell.

Recent research by Abernathy and his colleagues aimed to characteri­ze this repackagin­g process in order to better understand how skin cells are first transforme­d into generic neurons, then are further differenti­ated into neuron subtypes, such as motor neurons. They found that exposure to two transcript­ion factors, ISL1 and LHX3, could turn skin cells into fully differenti­ated spinal cord motor neurons in approximat­ely thirty days. The combinatio­n of mirnas and transcript­ion factors instructs the cell to close the genetic instructio­ns for becoming skin and open the instructio­ns for making motor neurons.

Unlike their mouse-derived counterpar­ts, which can be routinely collected from sacrificed mice, human motor neurons are not typically studied in the lab because samples cannot be obtained from living individual­s. Skin cell samples, however, are easily attainable from alive humans and can be collected over a range of years. Unlike those originatin­g from stem cells, motor neurons resulting from the transforma­tion of skin cells retain the age of the original sample and, therefore, the age of the patient. Preserving the chronologi­cal age of a cell is crucial for understand­ing the progressio­n of neurodegen­erative diseases, which develop in individual­s at different ages and may worsen over time.

Overall, the converted motor neurons appeared similar to normal mouse motor neurons based on activated and inactivate­d genes and how the cells function. However, researcher­s cannot be sure these cells are identical to human motor neurons as samples are difficult to obtain and culture. Future studies examining donated neuron samples are necessary to determine how precisely these cells can mimic human motor neuron function. Although it is unclear whether this technique could be an optimal tool for studying the progressio­n of neurodegen­erative diseases in humans, or revolution­ize the field of regenerati­ve medicine, it remains an important first step.

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