The McLeod River Post

Hodge Podge Itching to go

- by June McInnes June McInnes

When in the garden the other day it struck me, or rather bit me that we’ve gone from no bugs to a variable bug soup. There’s all sorts of flying wotsit thingy’s out there all trying to do their thing and make more of themselves. Quite a lot of them seem to enjoy sucking your blood. There’s a mind-bending assortment of them too numerous to mention but suffice to say it all ends in itchy skin, hives and intense scratching.

I do take an anti-histamine and that helps but honestly some of those bites leave scars!

I’m not a fan of some of the sprays that you can buy in the shops they make me feel ill after getting it on my skin. Sometimes I’ve felt so bad after apply it I didn’t feel like going out any more so that kind of defeats the object. I use other methods now whilst they may not work for everyone they do work for me and I thought I’d share them with you all.

I use a vapor rub on my ankles and behind my knees, shoulders and backs of my hands, neck. It seems to deter those pesky little blighters. And every year I make a bug trap using yeast and a plastic bottle with some sugar and water. Of course, there’s the old stand by of citronella candles etc., not wearing certain coloured clothing or strong perfumes they all help. And there’s using an oil you buy from a beauty representa­tive, or on line, (skin so soft) that works. This year I really don’t want to be covered in bumps that itch and ooze. Let’s hope collective­ly it works, if not I’ll be spending it in the shower.

If it does it will mean sitting in the garden enjoying a cup of coffee or tea won’t become a bug fest and I won’t come back inside looking like elephant man or his sister and will also be able to tend my garden without needing a bee keepers suit.

The house is just about done now the last few bits of touch-ups and caulking to do with only three carpets to go down and we’ll be almost complete. So good to be able to say that.

We went to choose the vinyl flooring today, something that will go with all the four areas it has to cover, so a slate gray was in order to pull it all together, that’s going down next week.

Again, I’d like to thank everyone involved with this project, with a very special thank you to our children who have been in the middle of all of this and very patient through it all.

You were great guys, we truly couldn’t have done this of have come this far without you, I love you very much and am very grateful.

So, there we have it, almost done, almost ready to pack, almost ready to leave.

Wish it was today, but then people are seldom patient, I’m sure it will all work out.

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