The McLeod River Post

Hinton Town Council briefs


Jan. 23 meeting Delegation­s

1. “Hinton Cares” Alberta Healthy Communitie­s Approach - Presented by Yvonne Rempel

The Hinton Cares initiative has been expanded to a second year. Rempel spoke to the last years efforts, and plans for next year.

Action Items

1. Operating and Capital Budgets - Presented by Denise Parent

As per Section 242(1) and 245 of the Municipal Government Act, Council must adopt an operating and capital budget each calendar year. Council may adopt an interim operating budget for part of a calendar year until the operating budget for that calendar year is adopted.

As per council direction two budget open houses were held on January 15 and January 17 from 5 to 8 p.m. 12 members of the public attended these events.

It was moved that Council approves the 2018 proposed Operating Budget of $34,182,182 and the new One-time Operating and Capital Budget of $3,040,800 - this motion was carried. It was then moved that a property tax increase be 3.5 per cent instead of 4 per cent to be taken from transfers to reserves. This motion was also carried.

2. 2018 Municipal Borrowing Bylaw - Presented by Denise Parent

A line of credit allows the Town to have access to funds in case there is a requiremen­t for short-term borrowing for cash-flow operating purposes. This item is before Council to approve an operating Line of Credit up to $2,000,000 that may be drawn throughout the year in the event it is required for short-term cash flow purposes. It is recommende­d to renew the revolving line of credit on an annual basis. In accordance with the Municipal Government Act, Town Council may authorize borrowing for operating expenditur­es under section 256.

The amount to be borrowed, together with the unpaid principal of other borrowings made for the purpose of financing operating expenditur­es, must not exceed the amount the municipali­ty estimates will be raised in taxes in the year the borrowing is made.

A borrowing bylaw that authorized the borrowing does not have to be advertised if the term of the borrowing does not exceed 3 years.

The bylaw was given first and second reading, unanimous consent was achieved for a third reading, and unanimous third reading was then granted.

In Camera

1. Personnel Matter (Freedom of Informatio­n and Protection of Privacy Act, RSA 2000, Chapter F-25, Sections 23 & 24).

Following the in camera portion of the meeting, Council made one motion; That the Mayor follow the direction as discussed and all correspond­ence remain in private pursuant to (s) 24 of the Freedom of Informatio­n and Protection of Privacy Act RSA 2000, Chapter F-25. This motion passed.

Informatio­n Items

Councillor Trevor Haas: Councillor Haas spoke to a recent Hinton Municipal Library Board Meeting, saying they are engaged in policy review and developmen­t. He also offered his praise to the efforts of Head Librarian Haley Amendt.

Councillor Tyler Waugh: Councillor Waugh spoke to his attendance at a Mountain Pine Beetle board meeting last week, saying that while the issue is a large and daunting one, the group is taking positive steps forward together. He also mentioned a coming Community Futures West Yellowhead meeting.

Councillor Ryan Maguhn: Councillor Maguhn offered his thanks for the work put into the budget engagement sessions. He also spoke to two coming meetings; Disaster Services Orientatio­n, and the Golf Club.

Councillor Albert Ostashek: Councillor Ostashek offered his thanks to all residents who took the time to attend the budget public engagement sessions last week, saying those who took the time to attends thoughts were taken into considerat­ion. He also spoke to he and other members of Council’s attendance at the Munis 101 session in Stony Plain, saying the learnings on governance, legislatio­n, roles, finance and more were important and powerful for any councillor.

Councillor Dewly Nelson: Councillor Nelson spoke fondly of the BSN event bringing Kristen Cummings to speak to Hinton, saying Cummings is one of his favourite speakers and that the learnings from that session were very powerful. Nelson also reported a number of upcoming meetings.

Councillor Joann(Jo) Race: Councillor Race spoke to her attendance at an ASH meeting, saying the board is currently working to continue the “Take a Seat” campaign. Race went on to inform council that the AGM for the board is coming next month, and that they are currently looking for board members.

Mayor Marcel Michaels: Mayor Michaels also spoke highly of the Kristen Cummings session, as well as the Munis 101 session. Michaels went on to speak about how powerful having all of the members around the table at the Mountain Pine Beetle meeting last week, saying they were able to identify their goals and some actions to help the board achieve them.

CAO Stephane Labonne: CAO Labonne offered informatio­n regarding FCSS’ Volunteer Income Tax Program (more informatio­n below). He also spoke to a coming meeting of CAO’s which Hinton will host, intended to bring all the regional CAO’s together to build relationsh­ips, share documents, and more.

Administra­tive Inquiries

Councillor Race read out a request for informatio­n, including informatio­n pertaining to:

1. What organizati­ons are currently undertakin­g marketing and promotion activities for Hinton and what are their mandates?

2. What activities are the Town of Hinton undertakin­g to actively market and promote our community?

3. What activities or events could we be undertakin­g to market and promote our community and what is the cost? Are there groups that we could be partnering with, but are not at this time, that could help further promote marketing of Hinton?

4. Are there other opportunit­ies we should be considerin­g that would help put Hinton “On the Map” and at what cost?

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