The McLeod River Post

Disaster movie coming true.


Cape Town, South Africa is recently making the news from under the radar. There are around four million souls living in and around the city. The problem, water, the lack of it. As I understand it the dams holding back most of the city’s water supply are standing at just 20 per cent full, when they drop to around 13 per cent, water can no longer be drawn off. The crisis is being billed as a climate change disaster. Day zero, the day the taps are turned off, has been reset to April 12 from April 22.

In the face of the worst drought in a century those that can afford it are already leaving the city. It’s like the plot to a disaster movie. Maybe it will become one. Imagine living in an apartment block with no water. No toilet, no shower, no drinking water on hand. You will have to come down into the street to use a chemical toilet, collect a water ration and tote it home.

Realistica­lly, some people will be unable or unwilling to use chemical facilities and hygiene issues will arise. Human nature being what it is, some people will get more water than others and we may, no strike that, probably will see civil unrest. If people are concerned most of the day about getting water and keeping it, the economy will likely go down the pan too. Except you can’t flush it. The Cape Town Mayor, Patricia de Lille, is on the record, as saying that people haven’t reduced their water use significan­tly enough to make a difference. I expect this story to grow and become ever more horrifying. The shape of things to come?

The U.S. government shut down and started up again as politician­s wheeled and dealed for advantage and blame shifting. I can’t say I’m impressed by any of them overly. Aren’t politician­s there to represent the people and do the best for them?

We have a plethora of sexual harassment, assault and worse resignatio­ns and prosecutio­ns. The lid is coming off the septic big time, so to speak. I expect more to come. I also wonder if and maybe it’s been done already that people may be fitted up for being naïve or simply not doing anything at all. For those that have, and the antics at The President’s Club in the UK are no surprise to me of rich people behaving badly, careers have and will be shattered. What’s going to be left or who’s going to be left standing at the end of it all I’m not sure.

The Russia affair ticks on. I still think there is some way to go and I’m eying the U.S. mid-terms in the fall. I would not be surprised to see President Trump transform into a Mr. Nice for a while as Mr. Nasty didn’t work. What a terrible cynic I am.

The Doomsday Clock has ben set to two minutes to midnight, the witching hour being our self destructio­n. The last time the clock was set thus was 1953 when the U.S. and the then Soviet Union both tested nuclear devices. A UK general has warned about Russia and its military exercises, simulating assaults in eastern Europe, and advocating boosting convention­al forces. This was a message that was circulatin­g during the late 1930s. Oh dear, when will we ever learn?

Finally, Nutella riots in France. What? You may say. Apparently, a French supermarke­t chain dramatical­ly dropped the price of Nutella by nearly two thirds and there was scuffling and fighting as customers scrambled for the sweet spread. Words fail me. The end.

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