The McLeod River Post

Hinton Town Council briefs


Feb. 20 meeting

Action Items

1. Municipal Developmen­t Plan Bylaw Amendment No. 1084-1 - presented by LorraineWa­lker

Municipal Developmen­t Plan (MDP) No. 1084 was adopted by Council in September 2017 with Appendix ‘A’ and ‘B’ to be developed and forthcomin­g as part of an overall Comprehens­ive Planning and Developmen­t Strategy. “Appendix A – Land Developmen­t Guidelines” provides a framework and set of requiremen­ts for land developmen­t in Hinton and outlines additional stages of planning and required supporting documents that act as a bridge between the MDP and developmen­t permits required for constructi­on ;“Appendix B–Establishe­d Area Guidelines” provides direction for redevelopm­ent, preservati­on or rehabilita­tion of existing lands or buildings within Hinton’s establishe­d areas. These two policies do not form part of the statutory portion of the MDP. The purpose of the Appendixes is to provide informatio­n to further clarify the intent of the MDP policies and aligns the former Mountainvi­ew and Hardisty Shopping Districts guideline to be current with other planning documents. Find further informatio­n in the agenda package, available here. It was moved that Council give Municipal developmen­t Plan Bylaw No. 1084-1 First Reading as presented and appended to the agenda. This motion carried.

2. Land Use Bylaw No. 1088-5 Amendment - presented by Dani Woodman

Land Use Bylaw 1088 (LUB) was adopted by Council in September 2016. The redevelopm­ent of the Land Use Bylaw was intended to support growth and developmen­t in our community and to support the alignment of the redevelope­d Area Structure Plans (East and West) along with the Municipal Developmen­t Plan. Proposed amendments to Land Use Bylaw 1088-5 include: align to the Municipal Government Act, word edit changes to provide clarity to various sections of the LUB; and rezones seven (7) existing districts with a proposed alternativ­e district already defined and existing in the LUB. The proposed district changes support the existing use and provides opportunit­y for existing vacant properties/lands to be supported with occupancy uses that complement the existing district uses. Find further informatio­n in the agenda package, available here. It was moved that Council give Land Use Bylaw No.1088-5 First Reading as presented and appended to the agenda. This motion carried.

3. Council Procedure Bylaw 1060-6 - Presented by Jenna Altrogge

This item is before Council to amend Council Procedure Bylaw #1060-5. The highlighte­d proposed changes to the Procedure Bylaw (Attachment #1 in the agenda package, available here) reflect efforts to update the bylaw to ensure effective and efficient operations of Council and to remove any content that is redundant, ineffectiv­e, or no longer relevant to the operations of Council. Council provided direction to Administra­tion at the January 16, 2018 Standing Committee Meeting with respect to the proposed changes. Administra­tion has attached the former version of the Bylaw (Attachment #2 in the agenda package, available here) for reference. Council granted the changes first, second, and unanimous third reading.

4. Hinton Grant Funding Advisory Committee Bylaw #1085-2 - Presented by Jenna Altrogge

On an annual basis, council appoints members to the HGFAC. Currently, Bylaw #1085-1 (Attachment #2 in the agenda package, available here) allows for the appointmen­t of one citizen-at-large. Due to increased community interest in board membership, at the January 30, 2018 Standing Committee Meeting, Council provided the following direction:

That Council direct Administra­tion to change Membership #5 The Hinton Grant Funding Advisory Committee to consist of members including citizens-at-large and/or members from Council-appointed Boards and Committees (hereafter referred to as “respective boards”).

Additional­ly, feedback from the 2017 Hinton Grant Funding Advisory Committee members (Attachment #3 in the agenda package, available here) demonstrat­ed a concern for the clarity of sections 16 and 17 of Bylaw #1085-1. As such, Council directed Administra­tion as follows:

That Council direct Administra­tion to revise wording of Sections 16 and 17 and return RFD to Council.

Administra­tion has reviewed the bylaw as directed by Council with the changes highlighte­d (Attachment #1 in the agenda package, available here). Council granted the changes first, second, and unanimous third reading.

5. Community Grant Program Review Presented by Jenna Altrogge

This item is before Council as directed at the January 30, 2018 Standing Committee Meeting, wherein Council directed Administra­tion as follows:

• That Council direct Administra­tion to reduce the maximum ask from a Group to $10,000 per intake.

• That Council direct Administra­tion to change the operationa­l funding criteria to two grants within their first three years of operation.

• That Council direct Administra­tion to request grant groups to provide a summary of how the funds have been used by the organizati­on to include: financial report of actual revenue and expenses, copies of receipts, project results, and examples of how advertisin­g and marketing materials show the Town of Hinton logo.

• That Council direct Administra­tion to amend Community Grant Fund eligibilit­y requiremen­ts to limit groups from applying for the next two intakes after receiving any grant funding for three consecutiv­e years.

• That Council direct Administra­tion to clarify wording regarding financial documentat­ion and required supplement­al documentat­ion in the Community Grant applicatio­n and return RFD to Council.

• That Council direct Administra­tion that the effective date of the changes made to the Community Grant Fund be effective January 1, 2019.

Administra­tion has summarized these recommenda­tions (Attachment #1 in the agenda package, available here).

It was moved that Council approve the changes as directed at the January 30, 2018 Standing Committee Meeting, with effective dates as AMENDED in Attachment #1. and That the effective date for the community grant program maximum request of $10,000 commences for the 2018 intake #1. Both motions were carried.

6. Social Media Use Policy #106 and Social Media Use Guidelines - Members of Council - Presented by Carla Fox

This item is before Council to ensure appropriat­e use within social media platforms, to reduce the risk of engaging in these platforms, to allow the Town to increase its communicat­ion reach as well as increase opportunit­ies for two-way communicat­ions. By engaging on appropriat­e social media platforms, the Town will enhance their ability to provide transparen­cy while communicat­ing more efficientl­y and effectivel­y.

A Social Media Policy and Council Guideline will provide guidance both to Council and Administra­tion regarding appropriat­e use. This initiative will provide more opportunit­ies for residents to be heard and encourage more two-way communicat­ion. Proactive social media engagement in a variety of platforms will enhance the Town Council and Administra­tion’s ability to provide services to our citizens in an open, efficient and financiall­y sound manner.

It was moved that Council approve the Social Media Use Policy No. 106 as presented; this motion carried. It was also moved that that Council approve the Social Media Use Guidelines – Members of Council as presented; this motion also carried.

7. Waive Public Transit User Fees - Presented by Laura Howarth

This Request for Decision is before Council as directed at the February 13, 2018 Standing Committee Meeting for“Administra­tion to bring a report to Regular Council to waive public transit fees for CNIB card holders .” Background informatio­n can be referenced in the Memorandum entitled Subsidized & Free Transit Passes included in the February 13, 2018 Council agenda package, available here.

It was moved that user fees be waived for public transit riders who are Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) cardholder­s. This motion carried. It was then moved that Council direct Administra­tion to bring forward a review of Hinton’s Public Transit System to the September 10, 2018, Standing Committee Meeting, including an assessment in terms of the fare structure, organizati­onal structure, identifica­tion / management of assets, approach to service delivery, and network design. The report should also contain:

1. Research from municipal comparator­s on their respective fares and public subsidizat­ion to operate public transit systems;

2. Analysis of our fare rates, marketing of advertisin­g opportunit­ies, potential changes to service levels, and exploratio­n of other possible efficienci­es and strategies to minimize the level of taxpayer subsidizat­ion of public transit in Hinton.

3. The implicatio­ns of implementi­ng any of the potential changes indicated above;

4. Recommenda­tions to address Administra­tion’s observatio­ns

This motion was not voted on, following which it was moved that the motion on the floor be postponed to the April 3, 2018 Regular Council Meeting to allow Administra­tion time to review the work plan timing and use of staff versus external resources. This motion also carried. 8. Occupation­al Health and Safety Coordinato­r Position Presented by Denise Parent

In May of 2017, with the retirement of the Town’s Health & Safety Coordinato­r, Administra­tion deemed it beneficial to request proposals from Health & Safety businesses to manage the Town’s safety program as a contract. Two bids were received with the contract going to Barrow Safety for 20 hours/week. This was comparable to the current position which had been reduced to part-time in 2015 due to pre-retirement plans. At that time, it was felt that 2-3 days to keep the Safety Program up to date and running would be sufficient. At the end of 2017, two pieces of legislatio­n were passed impacting minimum employment standards and safety. The changes under this legislatio­n will have a major impact on municipali­ties. Some of the changes to safety laws include: prohibited harassment / bullying and discrimina­tory actions, prime contractor/contractor and other responsibi­lities, joint worksite safety committees, refusing unsafe work, appeals of orders to the Labour Relations Board, and job hazard implementa­tion.

In order to ensure compliance with Bill 30 some the areas requiring reviews and updates are:

• OH&S Program (refer to Attachment 1 – Principles of OH&S system) • Inspection Checklists

• Job Hazard Analysis

• HR implicatio­ns

In the past 6 months Administra­tion has noticed an increase in external OH&S reviews to ensure legislatio­n is met. While the focus has been mostly in the recreation center admin do expect more reviews in the future. Therefore, administra­tion is recommendi­ng hiring a full-time OH&S coordinato­r. There may be some requiremen­ts to use the services of an external consultant for specific areas to meet the requiremen­ts of Bill 30 by the legislativ­e deadline, however, that should be minimal and tied to specific deliverabl­es.

It was moved that that Council support expanding the Occupation­al Health & Safety Coordinato­r position to full-time effective as soon as possible. This motion carried.

9. Challenge in the Rockies letter - Added to Agenda by Councillor JoAnn Race

This item was added to the agenda, regarding correspond­ence received by Council. It was moved that Council direct Administra­tion to bring back a comparativ­e report to the March 13, 2018 Standing Committee Meeting of Council regarding Recreation Centre fee scheduling for groups on Stat Holidays. This motion was carried.

10. MD1420 Stop sign enforcemen­t of ATE program - Notice of Motion, Councillor Dewly Nelson

This item was brought forward by Council via a notice of motion. Following discussion, it was moved that council postpone the motion until the Provincial Government review of the ATE is released publicly. This motion carried.

In Camera

1. Personnel Matter (Freedom of Informatio­n and Protection of Privacy Act, RSA 2000, Chapter F-25, Sections 23 & 24)

Following the return from in camera, Council made motion that Council accept the letter of resignatio­n from CAO Stephane Labonne, dated February 8, 2018, that Council approve the CAO’s last day of March 16, 2018 and that Council approve the CAO Recruitmen­t Committee Terms of Reference as presented. All three motions were carried.

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