The McLeod River Post

Inefficien­t policies and lack of market access are standing in the way of Canada meeting global energy demand CAPP


7he world’s thirst for energy is on the rise and Canada has an opportunit­y to meet the growing global demand for energy in an environmen­tally and socially responsibl­e manner, but only with effective regulatory policies and increased market access, according to Canada’s 5ole in the :orld’s )uture (nergy 0ix, the second in a series of economic reports released by the Canadian Associatio­n of Petroleum Producers CAPP . 7he Internatio­nal (nergy Agency’s :orld (nergy 2utlook 01 anticipate­s the demand for all forms of energy ± oil and natural gas as well as renewables and nuclear ± will continue to increase as the global population grows to . billion by

0 0. (merging economies and urbani]ation in countries such as India, China and throughout Southeast Asia, along with rising gross domestic product, will increase total energy demand by 0 per cent from today.

Although the world’s energy mix is changing, oil will continue to grow and be the predominan­t energy source to 0 0, while natural gas production grows to become the world’s second-largest energy source overall, both essential to the developmen­t of emerging economies.

Canada has an opportunit­y to become the world’s energy supplier of choice -- serving global markets with responsibl­y produced energy that displace production from countries with poorer environmen­tal performanc­e.

7his can only be achieved if Canada’s oil and natural gas industry remains competitiv­e -- attracting investment, spurring innovation, and gaining access to global markets to leverage our leadership position in environmen­tal stewardshi­p and responsibl­e energy production.

CAPP wants the federal government to help define Canada’s vision for the future of oil and natural gas to meet the world’s growing energy needs. 7his vision includes

‡ Collaborat­ion between industry and government to create an effective policy and regulatory environmen­t that encourages investment and access to world markets ‡ Cultivatin­g support among Canadians for the responsibl­e developmen­t of our natural resources and,

‡ Adopting environmen­tal policies that compete favourably with other Murisdicti­ons, encouragin­g the types of innovation and investment that grow our brand as the global energy supplier of choice.

Canadian Associatio­n of Petroleum Producer president and C(2, 7im 0c0illan, said, “A healthy oil and natural gas sector creates Mobs and prosperity for Canadians, but the positive impact of our energy industry on the global stage could, and should be, broader.

It’s time to be realistic about Canada’s future. :e have an opportunit­y to be a global supplier but we are limiting our opportunit­y to meet global demand with policies that constrict future growth.”

7he demand for oil and natural gas will continue to play a significan­t role in the future energy mix and Canada could be the supplier of choice, but only if we take steps today to ensure our competitiv­eness for the future.”

Canada has an opportunit­y to ensure growing energy demand will be met by the most responsibl­y produced fuels possible. +owever, government costs and regulatory barriers are on the rise ± making it harder to grow our industry and support employment for Canadians.”

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