The McLeod River Post

Brace for Impact

- William McInnes The McLeod River Post

This week’s review Sully is based on true events. Starring Tom +anks as Capt. Chesley ³Sully´ Sullenberg­er and Aaron Eckhart as Jeff Skiles, Directed by Clint Eastwood. Rated 86 per cent on Rotten Tomatoes.

Sully is a film based on true events of an Airbus A320, which shortly after takeoff collided with a flock of birds causing both engines to fail. Sully is an experience­d pilot and has been flying most of his life, (30 years) he judges by eye whether or not they have the correct altitude to glide back to the runway. +e decides that it is not possible to make it back to any airport nearby and that the only chance that they have, is to land in the +udson river. Most landings on any body of water usually go wrong. +owever, when Sully attempted an emergency landing on the +udson river, somehow all 155 passengers or ³souls´ survived.

Within seconds of being on the +udson nearby boats and the Coastguard rushed to the aid of the passengers and ensured that all were rescued within minutes. 1ow to the press and the public he is hailed as a hero, but the 1ational Transporta­tion Safety Board run an investigat­ion claiming with data that had been collected by ACARS (aircraft communicat­ions addressing and reporting system) that the port engine was running at idle power. )urthermore, they run several simulation­s in the exact parameters of the event, which all result in a landing at the nearby airport. With the new ³evidence´ that has been collected by the board, if proven true, could not only hurt Sully’s career as a pilot, but also his pension.

I thought that this was an interestin­g film, and the fact that it is based on true events makes it that bit more fascinatin­g. +ow Sully managed to land the Airbus A320 is beyond me. +e had to probably, make the biggest decision of his career on 26 June 1988. All the odds were against him, yet he still managed to pull off one of the hardest landings ever. This just goes to show that Capt. Chesley ³Sully´ Sullenberg­er was the right man for the job, and if not for him many lives would have been lost. This film is a nice tribute to an everyday hero.

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