The McLeod River Post

Questions on UCP policy


Special to The Post

As I read Stuart Taylor’s recent letter to the editor, I was left with more questions than answers. Mostly, I was left wondering about how the UCP, who are quick to criticize our government’s spending to protect public services, would approach managing Albertans’hard-earned money.

I was left wondering because I didn’t see a single mention of the UCP’s plan. No mention of recklessly cutting 20 per cent out of the budget. And no mention of a massive tax break for the richest one per cent of Albertans.

Mr. Taylor did however point out one thing that I found interestin­g. He mentioned that we were left with a deficit by the previous Conservati­ve government. He is referring of course to a fiscal deficit, but this is not the only, or even the most troubling, deficit we inherited.

We, along with all Albertans, inherited a major infrastruc­ture deficit: crumbling roads, rundown schools and underfunde­d hospitals. From day one, we have made it clear that we would not let that continue. We want our kids to have good schools and our loved ones to be well cared for.

We are working to eliminate conservati­ve waste and control spending, but we are doing so while defending our funding for classrooms and hospitals. We are working hard, and we are on the path to balance by 2023-24.

We announced at the end of August that the deficit is down a billion dollars and Alberta’s economic recovery is on pace. Yes, we still have work to do so that our plan reaches all Albertans, but I want to stress that reckless cuts are not the answer.

This is something that Jason Kenney does not understand, and that is a danger to the future of our kids’ education, our healthcare and the infrastruc­ture we rely on.

With everything that has been in the news this past week, I think it’s important to add that we are very aware that we need to see the TransMount­ain Pipeline built to secure Alberta’s long-term fiscal and economic health. That is why Premier Notley has been firm and continues to be firm with the federal government.

We have made more progress on getting a new pipeline built than was made when there were Conservati­ves in charge in Alberta and Ottawa, and we are not going to stop now.

At the end of the day, our government has proven that we care about what matters to Albertans. We understand Albertans’priorities, and we will continue to protect what matters most while moving forward on the path to balance.

We’re on your side. Sincerely,

Eric Rosendahl MLA Yellowhead for West

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