The Miracle

Trump tosses Obama’s ‘clean’ energy plan


Declaring “the start of a new era” in energy production, U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday that he said would revive the coal industry and create jobs. The move makes good on his campaign pledge to unravel former President Barack Obama’s plan to curb global warming. The order seeks to suspend, rescind or flag for review more than a halfdozen measures in an effort to boost domestic energy production in the form of fossil fuels. Environmen­tal activists, including former Vice-President Al Gore, denounced the plan. But Trump said the effort would allow workers to “succeed on a level playing field for the first time in a long time. That is what this is all about: bringing back our jobs, bringing back our dreams and making America wealthy again,” Trump said, during a ceremony at the Environmen­tal Protection Agency headquarte­rs, attended by a number of coal miners. The order initiates a review of the Clean Power Plan, which restricts greenhouse gas emissions at coalfired power plants. The regulation, which was the former president’s signature effort to curb carbon emissions, has been the subject of long-running legal challenges by Republican-led states and those who profit from burning oil, coal and gas. But just as Obama’s climate efforts were often stymied by legal challenges, environmen­tal groups are promising to fight Trump’s pro-fossil fuel agenda in court. Trump has called global warming a “hoax” invented by the Chinese, and has repeatedly criticized the power-plant rule as an attack on American workers and the struggling U.S. coal industry. In addition to pulling back from the Clean Power Plan, the administra­tion will also lift a 14-month-old moratorium on new coal leases on federal lands. The Obama administra­tion had imposed a three-year moratorium on new federal coal leases in January 2016, arguing that the $1 billion-a-year program must be modernized to ensure a fair financial return to taxpayers and address climate change. Trump accused his predecesso­r of waging a “war on coal” and boasted in a speech to Congress that he has made “a historic effort to massively reduce job-crushing regulation­s,” including some that threaten “the future and livelihood­s of our great coal miners.” The order will also chip away at other regulation­s, including scrapping language on the “social cost” of greenhouse gases. It will initiate a review of efforts to reduce the emission of methane in oil and natural gas production as well as a Bureau of Land Management hydraulic fracturing rule, to determine whether those reflect the president’s policy priorities. It will also rescind Obama-era executive orders and memoranda, includ- ing one that addressed climate change and national security and one that sought to prepare the country for the impacts of climate change. The administra­tion is still in discussion about whether it intends to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change. Trump’s order could make it more difficult, though not impossible, for the U.S. to achieve its carbon reduction goals. The president’s promises to boost coal jobs run counter to market forces, such as U.S. utilities converting coal-fired power plants to cheaper, cleaner-burning natural gas. Trump’s Environmen­tal Protection Agency chief, Scott Pruitt, alarmed environmen­tal groups and scientists earlier this month when he said he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributo­r to global warming. The statement is at odds with mainstream scientific consensus and Pruitt’s own agency. The overwhelmi­ng majority of peer-reviewed studies and climate scientists agree the planet is warming, mostly due to man-made sources, including carbon dioxide, methane, halocarbon­s and nitrogen oxide. Opponents say Obama’s effort would have killed coal-mining jobs and driven up electricit­y costs. The Obama administra­tion, some Democratic-led states and environmen­tal groups counter that it would spur thousands of clean-energy jobs and help the U.S. meet ambitious goals to reduce carbon pollution set by the internatio­nal agreement signed in Paris. Trump’s order on coal-fired power plants follows an executive order he signed last month mandating a review of an Obama-era rule aimed at protecting small streams and wetlands from developmen­t and pollution. The order instructs the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers to review a rule that redefined “waters of the United States” protected under the Clean Water Act to include smaller creeks and wetlands. While Republican­s have blamed Obamaera environmen­tal regulation­s for the loss of coal jobs, federal data shows that U.S. mines have been shedding jobs for decades under presidents from both parties as a result of increasing automation and competitio­n from natural gas, which has become more abundant through hydraulic fracturing. Another factor is the plummeting cost of solar panels and wind turbines, which now can produce emissions-free electricit­y cheaper than burning coal. According to an Energy Department analysis released in January, coal mining now accounts for fewer than 75,000 U.S. jobs. By contrast, renewable energy -- including wind, solar and biofuels -- now accounts for more than 650,000 U.S. jobs.

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