The Miracle

8 Ways To Upgrade Your Health In 2018


3. Transform your bathroom into a spa

It’s just too easy to breeze through your cleansing routine on auto-pilot—lather, rinse, tend to your shower plants, repeat. A new year is a perfect occasion (read: excuse) to give your bathroom a spa-inspired spruce that will remind you to slow down that allimporta­nt post-sweat cleanse. This switch can be as drastic as an all-white remodel, or as simple as lighting a candle and putting on your favorite tunes.

4. Live the hygge life

In 2018, you won’t choose the hygge life; the hygge life will choose you. If you aren’t already obsessed with this cozy-chic Danish trend, now is the time to get on board. Not only will your new lifestyle give you the excuse to stock up on fuzzy socks, it also comes with comforting dishes (like this stuffed sweet potato—hello!) and a forever excuse to take a night for yourself when you need to.

5. Biohack literally everything

You know that yoga teacher who always says, “your body is your best teacher?” She’s right (or at least a biohacker would say so). Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproo­f, defines this trend as, “the art and science of changing the environmen­t around you and inside you, so you have more control over your own biology.” To get started, try hacking your hair care, your gut, and your vaginal flora (yup).

6. Be grateful

Let 2018 be the year you stop letting negative stories—I’m so stressed; I’m so tired; I’ll never fall in love—rule your life. (Or, at least do your damnedest to try.) According to spiritual guru and Well+Good Council member Gabrielle Bernstein, you can welcome positivity—and positive results—by beginning each day by making a list of all that you’re grateful for.

7. Add a restorativ­e boost to your sweat routine

As catchy as the old “work hard, play hard” expression is, it leaves out a crucial component of any well-rounded cycle—you also need to rest hard. “Exercise creates inflammati­on and the recovery part is where we get stronger and you heal from the exercise,” says Emily Kiberd, DC, a chiropract­or at New York’s Urban Wellness Clinic. So while you’re transformi­ng your bathroom into a spa, you might as well go the extra (restorativ­e) mile and turn your bathtub into a nervous system-soothing haven—with the help of Epsom salts

8. Actively reduce your stress by volunteeri­ng

In 2016, stress rendered 40 percent of people restless at night, and by November of 2017, that number was up to 45 percent. To no one’s surprise, this bump in anxiety is a result of the elephant in every room—AKA American politics. On the bright side, the past year of political change has compelled 51 percent of Americans to volunteer, according to findings from the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n. So if reading the news makes you want to plunge into a digital detox, stock up on adaptogeni­c mushrooms, and possibly move to Canada, taking action in 2018 might be just the feel-good, do-good motivation you need to power your way towards the midterm election.

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