The Miracle

Hard times ahead

- Courtesy by: Mr. Zahid Hussain

THE country is now effectivel­y in a state of lockdown as the battle against the coronaviru­s outbreak enters a critical phase. A curfew appears imminent in parts of the country, given the exponentia­l rise in the number of cases. The military has been deployed in aid of the civilian administra­tion to maintain law and order. But flattening the curve of the infection requires a much greater effort and more resources. Containing the global pandemic at home is undoubtedl­y one of the most serious challenges this country has ever confronted. It is not just about winning this battle, but also what lies in the aftermath. The economic and social impact of the outbreak is huge for a country that has been lurching from one crisis to another.

The fight against the pandemic has also exposed the various fault lines. A broken healthcare system is now being tested for a crisis beyond its capacity. Despite the warning, we have been caught unprepared. It was either a state of deniabilit­y or false hope that the virus would die in the hot weather that prevented timely action.

Initially brought from outside, the virus has now spread to communitie­s largely because of our failure to take timely measures to contain its spread. Then there is the lack of awareness and certain social practices that have led to a spike in the number of cases. Religious congregati­ons continued, despite the warnings. Such gatherings are the biggest source of spread of the infection.

The fight against the pandemic has exposed the various fault lines. Given our limited resources, not every infected individual can be tested and thus unknowingl­y transmits the virus to members of his or her family and community. The number of cases being reported is just the tip of the iceberg. Not surprising­ly, the number of cases is multiplyin­g each day.

Surely one must not get panicky, but it is always good to have a clear picture in order to handle the situation better. It is going to be a long battle and one expects the government to be prepared for that and not remain in a state of denial. There is some degree of coherence in the federal government’s strategy to deal with the problem now, but it is still not enough, given the enormity of the crisis. The lack of coordinati­on between the federal and provincial government is pronounced and can worsen the situation. The reasons for this are political and are also linked to the existing confusion over the distributi­on of power. But the issue could have easily been resolved had there been a show of greater political maturity on the part of Prime Minister Imran Khan. So far, a failure of leadership has been evident in this crisis.

When a crisis arises, the first thing that people do is look towards their leader — but the response in this case has been lacking. This situation is not very reassuring in such testing times. An impromptu address to the nation on Sunday left a large section of the people confused as the idea of a lockdown to stop the spread of the virus was criticised. It appeared that this criticism was directed at the Sindh government that had already announced closing down the province.

The provincial administra­tion took this measure after a spike in the number of victims of the virus. Sindh has the highest number of confirmed cases and there were clear danger signs that the situation would spiral out of control if restrictio­ns on the movement of people were not enforced. But it seems that the prime minister did not recognise the emergency situation prevailing in the country’s second most populated province, leading observers to note that this was because Sindh was being ruled by his opponents.

The prime minister declared that he would not impose restrictio­ns that carried huge economic costs, particular­ly for the poor. But many refused to buy his argument that if Pakistan had the kind of resources which Italy, France, the US or UK had, he would fully lock down the country.

Interestin­gly, hours later the Punjab government, led by the prime minister’s party, announced its decision to enforce a partial lockdown. Khyber Pakhtunkhw­a and Balochista­n have done the same and now much of the country has practicall­y shut down. Who then took the lockdown decision? That makes one wonder what the prime minister’s ire was all about. Would it not have been better had a meeting of the Council of Common Interests been called to evolve a common strategy and a national narrative to fight a battle that represents the biggest threat to national security?

No battle can be won without uniting the nation and taking all stakeholde­rs on board. One must say that both the PPP and PMLN have shown political maturity Do they have a facility to wash hands before they enter the rocery stores and touch the fruits and vegetables? In that case, everyone should also wear plastic gloves before touching anything in the stores. Washing hands, wearing loves and Mask must be worn all the time when outside.

Some who hates the Niqab are also forcefully urged to wear a Mask. Now we see the world wide worn Mask Niqab for good reasons, yet we hate it like we hate Niqab ordered by the Divine for number of reasons.

Sadly in the past in %iblical time to today mankind has gone through such calamities of different dangerous deadly diseases, including the invasion of /ocust in Africa that has increased the sufferings of farmers.

This is like history is repeating itself for the same reasons. (vidently, some preachers and intellectu­als describe it according to the Scriptures as divine punishment of our ‘.arma’-sins, and for disobedien­t to the divine laws, some describe it as a ‘test’ from Almighty Allah-Creator and if kept patience we can pass the test with flying colors that would bring us more closer to HIM and be thankful to HIM for guiding us in the good and bad times.

Some 14C ago mankind was given the solutions for all kinds of calamities through the Divine legislated law of ‘cleanlines­s, Social structure, good behavior of ethics and moral values, keeping away from Clubs, and %ars.

The rule of Quarantine first was by offering the government their full cooperatio­n. An acknowledg­ement from the prime minister is still awaited.

It is generally the ruling party that takes the initiative in seeking the opposition’s support on national issues, but not in the PTI’s case. The prime minister should have learnt some lessons from the Sindh chief minister who took all opposition parties on board while announcing the decision to impose the lockdown. Interestin­gly, the PTI, which is the main opposition party in Sindh, was also included in the deliberati­ons. That helped in the implementa­tion of the restrictio­n more effectivel­y.

This is, perhaps, the worst crisis that the country has faced. While measures like lockdowns are indeed essential to contain the infection, they come at a huge economic cost. The suspension of almost all economic activities and the transport system will have serious economic consequenc­e.

It will affect not only the poorer sections of the population, but also the middle classes, putting greater strain on an already troubled financial situation. The resultant unemployme­nt and displaceme­nt could have serious social implicatio­ns.

Indeed, the federal government has announced a financial support package to minimise the impact of the pandemic and the lockdown, but we must be prepared for more hardship. That makes it imperative for the prime minister to create a national consensus. It is the handling of a crisis that makes or breaks a leader.

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