The Miracle

Religion of peace and Mercy

- By: Majeed Lakhani

Islam stands for peace, mercy, kindness, compassion, affection, generosity, magnanimit­y, friendship, fraternity, brotherhoo­d and good conducts

It leads to the best way of life to achieve prosperity, salvation, felicity, eternal bliss of paradise and infinite mercy of Allah in hereafter. Allah describes his Rasul as: “and we have not sent you but as a mercy for the entire creation.” Quran: 21/107 Commands to Return Evil with Goodness

Quran not only instructs to recompense goodness with goodness, but also bids Muslims to reply evil with goodness!

“Repel thou the evil with that which is fairer.” (23:96)

“Shall the recompense of goodness be other than goodness?” (55:60) This verse, which is full of affection, clemency and amity, is an Islamic motto.

Islamic Clemency even with nonMuslims

“Say unto those who believe, that they forgive those who do not look for the days of God, that He may recompense people for that they have been earning.” (45:14) According to the above verse, Islamic clemency and benevolenc­e is not allocated and restricted just to the Muslims and believers. Rather, God instructs Muslims to be kind with non-Muslims too.

We read in the story of People of Lot that the divine messengers commission­ed for punishment appeared to Hazrat Abraham (as) in the shape of strangers. They were commission­ed to destroy and ruin the city of People of Lot. Ibrahim alaie salam being benevolent in clemency was at unease and sought alleviatio­n though People of Lot were one of the most sinful, tainted and dirty of the precedent nations, but the angels replied: “O Abraham, turn away from this; thy Lord’s command has surely come, and there is coming upon them a chastiseme­nt not to be turned back.” (11:76)

Quran refers to the Prophet’s (S) Benevolenc­e:

“It was by mercy of God that thou were gentle to them; had thou been harsh and hard of heart, they would have scattered from about thee.” (3:159)

According to this verse, Prophet’s (S) clemency and benevolenc­e (originatin­g from divine mercy) attracted people and their trust to him. We read in verse 63 of surah Anfal:

“Had thou expended all that is in the earth, thou could not have brought their hearts together; but God brought their hearts together; surely He is All-mighty, All-wise.” (8:63) Formation of a powerful Muslim nation from amongst the stubborn and ignorant people, while changing their scattered and spiteful hearts to hearts that are united and kind was a divine miracle. Peace and Truce, the Basic Islamic Program

“O believers, enter the peace, all of you, and follow not the steps of Satan; he is a manifest foe to you.” (2:208)

According to the above verse, peace and truce is the basic Islamic program. Qur’an calls those who arouse dissidence, and seek war– followers of Satan. In other words, peace and truce is a divine and merciful attitude, while war, arousing dissidence and violence is a Satanic and devilish one.

Amity and Mercy Are Among the Signs of God

Some verses of Holy Qur’an indicate the signs of God’s Magnificen­ce: “And of His signs is that He created for you, of yourselves, spouses, that you might repose in them, and He has set between you love and mercy. Surely in that are signs for a people who consider.” (30:21)

Right! “Bringing hearts together” is one of the divine signs, because otherwise, social life was not possible. Dua (invocation) of Muslims for all Human Beings!

Dua and blessings recited in the blessed month of Ramadan after the obligatory daily prayers in the mosques throughout the world are another indication of Islamic mercy and benevolenc­e. Thereby, Muslims invoke God for solving problems of all human beings (not only Muslims):

“O Allah! Let all the dead to be cheerful!

O Allah! Let all the needy to be rich! O Allah! Let all the hungry to be fed! O Allah! Let all the naked to be clothed!

O Allah! Let all the indebted to get their debts paid!

O Allah! Let the affairs of all the worried untangled!

O Allah! Let all the captives to be liberated!

O Allah! Let all the sick people to be healed!”

One really enjoys the extensive Islamic mercy and extols Muslims’ charity, because most invocation­s by Muslims are general and universal and embrace all human beings from any race and mental attitude. Are these interestin­g and extensive invocation­s not the signs of Islamic mercy and benevolenc­e?

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