The Miracle

heat wave hits Vancouver

- By: Asma Shums, Email info at:

Vancouver has been hit with sco scorching temperatur­e tures this week and we’ve all been struggling to cope with the he sudden change in the weather. Not only is it impossible to sleep at night, but we’re also struggling to focus while working from home, away from the usual air con of our offices. There are some simple tricks you can try in a bid to stay cool and hydrated, however. Here are the best foods to add to your shopping list: 1) Tomatoes are high in the antioxidan­t lycopene, known as a potent cancer preventer. Red tomatoes are 94 per cent water while the green variety is about 93 per cent H20. Delicious in a salad or perfect in a sandwich, it is easy to slot this fruit into your daily meals. 2) Dark leafy greens are composed of 80 – 95 percent water, water which makes them very easy to digest. This means they go through the digestive system quickly, giving a cooling sensation in the body.

3) Cool melon quenches even the most intense thirst and the fruit is abundant throughout the summer months. A simple slice offers a superb, refreshing experience. Melon is low in calories and high in water content (95 per cent), making it an extremely cooling bite to eat.

4) Although it is not true that celery is a zero-calorie food, this veggie is a whopping 95 per cent water. Plus, a cup of chopped celery has only 16 calories!

If you have to be outside during a heat wave, it’s imperative to drink up, even if you’re not thirsty. Avoid sugary drinks; these will actually make you lose more fluids. You also want to stick to drinks that aren’t super cold. If going outdoors, use cool spaces considerat­ely, ately keep your distanc distance in line with social distancing guidelines.

Avoid being outside during the hottest part of the day (typically between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.). Dress for the heat and for your activity level: Wear light, loose clothing to let air circulate and heat escape. Always wear a hat and apply sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher before going outside.

Slow down your activities as it gets hotter. Move indoors and don’t work, exercise, or play outside for an extended period of time. Take frequent breaks in a cool or shady area and use a buddy system if you need to be outside when it’s hot.

Check on your pets and animals frequently – make sure their needs for water and shade are met.

Eat well and enjoy the weather till the snow sets in :)

My friend thinks he is smart. He told me an onion is the only food that makes you cry, so I threw a coconut at his face.


A: Female, because it doesn’t let you finish a sentence before making a suggestion.

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