The Miracle

How to manage family during the pandemic!

- By: Asma Shums,

There are many reasons why a family who is close at heart can become separated by distance.

It may be due to the military, education, work, a break up or something that’s completely out of your control such as the pandemic we are in currently Whatever the situation, it can make life difficult and it is all too easy to let that distance impact your ability to stay in touch. Whether it’s grandparen­ts being away from their grandchild­ren or even parents with kids going away to college. We know all too well how it can be a struggle to keep as close as you once were.

1) Stay connected on the phone. We are thankful to live in a time where older generation­s are becoming increasing­ly accepting of technology, especially smartphone­s. This acceptance has created a world where children, parents and grandparen­ts can be a part of each other’s lives, no matter where they are.

While some people may have reservatio­ns about using social media, for a long distance family, we feel the benefits far outweigh any drawbacks. You can use services such as whatsap, Facebook and Instagram for the same.

2) schedule timely calls! Saying you’re going to call is great, but without a little structure in place, it can easily slip your mind. Take a moment to check your schedules and find a specific time of the week you’re all available. You can also set up a second or backup time just in case!

One way we’ve found time for quick calls is our daily commute. If you drive to work or use public transport, why not take advantage of that spare time.

3) don’t be afraid to share! While some of us may find it difficult to share our highs and lows, it is one of the best ways to keep those important to us, involved in our lives. Even if you don’t think it is significan­t, your family will want to be their to support you. It’s no secret that strong families have good communicat­ion. That’s why it is important to create an environmen­t that, even over distance, allows and promotes family members to talk about their thoughts and feelings. This will also set a great example for younger family members.

4) meet whenever you can! It can be tempting to use vacation days to ‘get away from it all’ and take a relaxing break away from civilizati­on. For long distance families, we hope you instead use this time to see each other. Many of us don’t realise how much time we actually have with our loved ones. Or more importantl­y, how many times we will see them before they pass.

5) build upon shared interest! Have a shared interest with a family member? Well, make sure you do your best to keep sharing it. Having a shared interest can give you a constant source of conversati­on topics that will keep the communicat­ion flowing when you’re apart.

An example could be an activity such as running. There are apps out there where you’ll be able to share your achievemen­ts. If you both love the same sport, make sure to message each other after a game.

There are a million and one different family hobbies that you could do together but if you’re not sure what a family member loves, just ask! Being able to play chess against each other online or show each other what recipes you’ve created can be a wonderfu experience.

When you’re back together, you can strengthen this shared interest by doing it with each other.

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