The News (New Glasgow)

Province needs to support libraries


The economic and social importance of our public libraries continues to be overlooked and undervalue­d by the provincial government. Just as large department stores in malls generate interest and increase foot traffic for surroundin­g businesses, a wellfunded library can have a similar effect in a small town.

As society becomes more dependent on technology, libraries have evolved to meet the needs of the community by becoming cultural hubs. As municipal and provincial funding decreases, our libraries struggle to provide muchneeded services to our community members.

Local libraries are educating and inspiring patrons in art, music, literature and help individual­s to engage in their community. After school programmin­g, hobby and interest groups, workshops, lectures and guest speakers are some of the many things that take place at our local library. The services offered assist young families, seniors, and new members to the community. Free-of-charge home delivery of books and literature is available to those in rural communitie­s or those unable to access the services offered by the libraries. Many people would be surprised to learn of the variety of services offered. It is no longer just a place to borrow books!

Job seekers are able to use public computers and employment resources at no cost. This allows them to seek educationa­l and essential employment tools to improve their lives. The fact that materials can be borrowed and technology used free of charge is of great importance in “levelling the playing field” between socioecono­mic classes, by offering universal access to informatio­n.

Libraries build engaged citizens, they educate individual­s, foster equality, nurture thoughtful communitie­s and are worth fighting for, and they are worth funding. Karla MacFarlane MLA Pictou West

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