The News (New Glasgow)

No wonder doctors invented a pain scale

- Kathy Golemiec Kathy Golemiec is undergoing cancer treatment and writes about her experience­s each week.

So how was your week? Mine was a little on the boring side, most things are the same. Everything I tried to make didn’t work out right. I’m sure glad the snow didn’t stay, not happy with the mud, but you can’t have it all your way, ha. I was asleep on the couch, fell off that. I’m so tired I can’t keep my eyes open and when I try to sleep in someone calls to tell me I have to be somewhere.

I had my eyes checked, yup, need new glasses, but then I will see again.

I’m still taking the antibiotic­s for my bladder. I looked in the mirror this week and found new wrinkles: I think I’m up to six and it’s even time for my Senna leaf tea, oh happy day, ha.

I went into our local tea shop B&F Tea Company, owned by Fred Baines, to get my daughter some chaga mushroom tea.

One benefit is it’s the strongest known antioxidan­t. Plants such as goji berries are not even close to chaga in antioxidan­t value. Chaga tea is a natural fighter against cancer because of its betulin acid, which prevents the developmen­t of cancer and kills cancer cells without hurting the healthy ones.

But with every good there comes the bad. A negative side effect of chaga is you cannot be on blood thinners, even Aspirin or warfarin. Also it can cause blood sugar levels to fall too low. Other side effects have not been found. You can buy the tea in loose powder, tea bags or chunks. I got my daughter chunks, they look like an old piece of burnt tree.

My hands are so dried out, they are uncomforta­ble. I tried every hand cream, and putting nail polish on my nails but they still break. The skin on the tips of my fingers is so rough everything you touch feels the same, rough. I tried soaking them in Epsom salts but that doesn’t work, it works for my feet but not my hands. I have an appointmen­t with the VON foot clinic to help with my ingrown toenails. I hope they can fix them for me, I’m tired of being in such pain when I walk.

Does this ever happen to you, you are having bad pains, so off you go to the doctor and when you are asked to explain the pain, you haven’t two clues how to? Well it hurts, it’s like a stab, no more like a crush, no that’s not it either, more like if someone squeezed you. No I’m not sure it just hurts but by the time you try to tell the doctor, the pain is gone, and if the doctor touches the spot all you can say is ow. So I think that is why the doctors came up with the number system, rate the pain from 1 to 10 – 10 being the worst pain you ever had. Well my cancer is a 5 and my toenails are a 10 ha.

Do you believe the snow, how big the flakes are? When I was growing up we used to call this smelt snow, because the smelt would be running. On the mainland they just call it snow, ha.

My friend Geraldine in Glace Bay has pneumonia, hope she’s feeling better. My friend Sherry across the street has pneumonia, but she said she’s getting better, must be the weather. When you have pneumonia you have to make sure you walk around to get everything in your lungs moving, you don’t want that to settle. Thomas still has the awful cold. If I was there I’d give you a big hug, I know how much you like me hugging you, ha.

Dad and Janet were over this weekend and helped me with the flea market. Dad isn’t feeling very good so keep your fingers crossed he gets better quick.

Weight-wise I stayed the same this week, woohoo.

Thank you for the letters and gifts, I loved the hope angel, it’s very pretty.

Tip of the week: Be happy… even if someone says something that hurts your feelings let it fly over your head, don’t take it in, it will only take up space, and then it will turn into stress. So just forget you ever heard it. They may have just left their manners home that day. Just smile.

Well, have a good week folks… and yes the mud is in everyone’s place.

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