The News (New Glasgow)

I’m sure glad you were there

- Kathy Golemiec is undergoing cancer treatments and writes about her experience­s each week.

How was your week? Mine was great, until the other day. I went to the beach with Vada and Carol, everything was going great, I spread the towels and they went looking for rocks. So while they were doing that, I went and lay down on the towel, I had my little umbrella with me. I lay there for awhile then the other two came over to lie down too. Well within a few minutes I went to get up and I fell back down. I tried it a couple of times, then the next time I got to sit up I threw up really bad, so down I went again. Carol and Vada gathered the stuff up so we could go home. I could barely walk so there was a man and woman sitting on driftwood and they asked if we needed help. Carol asked if they could just help her get me to the truck, and each of them took an arm and off to the truck we went. I asked where they were from and they said they had just moved here from Alberta. That was as much talking as I could do except thanking them for their help. I got in the back and Carol had to drive my truck home – it was half way home we decided it would be home, not the hospital. When she got us in the house from the car Vada had an asthma attack, and her puffer was empty. We calmed her down – she was scared for me. But I took some pills and lay down on the couch. Still very dizzy but at least my stomach was feeling better. Carol made us something to eat before she left. Thank you Vada and Carol, I’m sure glad you were there. Well folks, I have to go to the hospital tomorrow to get my bone filler medicine. My pain level is a 4, my not feeling good level is way over 10, so I’m just going to say have a great week folks and have fun and make sure you aren’t in the sun too long and use suntan lotion and drink lots of water. Thank you for all the gifts and cards and letters. I will fill you in next week, keep your fingers crossed that this passes soon. I hate feeling rotten. Weight wise – 136.6. What did you think of the updated picture? Send some good vibes my way, I really need them. Have a good week folks and, yes, the houseflies are out.

 ?? Kathy Golemiec Hey There ... It’s Me, Kathy ??
Kathy Golemiec Hey There ... It’s Me, Kathy

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