The News (New Glasgow)

Cortisone shots and dealing with low blood sugar

- Kathy Golemiec

How’s it going this week? This week for me was awful starting out. The new pills I started taking were great the first couple of days, but when they really kicked in, it was too much and I was sleeping almost all day. I couldn’t even get up to go to the flea market. My friend Carol went in and did the day for me. I felt so bad that I couldn’t go.

I was staying in bed until 4 p.m., and then I would want to go back to bed. Everything hurt and the headaches were nasty, so the medicine was lowered and my sleeping habit is starting to get better, my pain level is still nine. But I will see the doctor soon, and she will get me back on track.

I have to get a cortisone shot in my right shoulder again, as the last one wore off. And most of you who follow my column know that I hate needles, those of you that don’t know, I really, really hate needles to the point that if I see one, I’ll faint. Since I had the last needle in that shoulder I forgot how bad the pain was until I woke up the other morning, and wham — there was the pain back again. I could hardly move my arm, it was awful. I shouldn’t complain — I had a couple really good days this week. And I am still here to complain, woo hoo.

My friend Mary came over last night and she is really stressed. She needs a hug — as many as she can get — so if you see her, just give her a hug.

Vicky came over and got me to go to town. She always knows when I’m down — I think she senses it.

One stop was at the New Beginnings shop in the Summer Street Industries building. It’s such a cute shop. The dressing room is as big as my small bedroom. They are having their 50 per cent off summer wear (the prices are great to start with) and everything is ready to wear. A summer top is about $4 or $5 and with the sale on it’s $2, woo hoo. Can you imagine getting a new pair of Clarks shoes for $8? Well you can there, and they weren’t even on sale. If you haven’t been in yet, stop by and check it out – they even have seniors day.

I want to talk a bit about low blood glucose levels. Anyone who’s not a diabetic may not know that you can have low blood sugar, and it can be awful. When my sugar drops I call it having the heeby-geebies. I start shaking and I would just grab anything I could get my hands on and eat it to stop the light-headed feeling. If it goes on too long, you can pass out.

My mother was a diabetic, and my brother and I have hypoglycem­ia. I used to have to get my sugar checked a lot – and yes it takes needles, two hours apart for that test – but once I learned how to take care of it, I didn’t have to get checked as much any more.

What is low blood glucose? It’s when the sugar in your blood has dropped below the target range of less then 4 mmol/L. This is called low blood glucose or hypoglycem­ia. The signs are shakiness, a light-headed feeling, sweating, weakness, a numbness or tingling in the tongue or lips, nervousnes­s, hunger, and a fast heart rate.

Hypoglycem­ia can be caused by more physical activity than usual, not eating, skipping meals, eating less than one should, taking too much medication, and the effects of drinking alcohol.

When it’s not taken care of it right away, a person can become confused, lose consciousn­ess, or have a seizure.

To treat it right away … eat or drink at least 15 grams of a fastacting carbohydra­te. Glucose comes in tablet form, but a cup of juice, a regular soft drink, candy or one tablespoon of honey will work the same. I just make sure I get the sugar in me when I start to feel shaky, and I feel better in a few minutes. To find out if you are hypoglycem­ic ask your doctor to have your sugar level tested.

My new pup Thunder is doing good – I just have to watch that I don’t walk on him. He thinks we go outside to chase the moths because we can be out there for what seems forever, then he comes in and lifts his leg on whatever is the first thing he comes in contact with. The other night I heard this thump and then little paws running around to my side of the bed. I put my arm down, picked him up and threw him back on the bed. He went right back to sleep.

Well, have a good week folks… and yes, you really are seeing the

Halloween stuff being put out in the stores.

Kathy Golemiec is undergoing cancer treatments and writes about her experience­s each week.

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