The News (New Glasgow)

Say Merry Christmas to a stranger

- Kathy Golemiec Kathy Golemiec is undergoing cancer treatments and writes about her experience­s each week.

How was your week? I know squishy-squashy — hope you had your rain boots out. Mine wasn’t too bad. I had chemo today, and I was so tired this week I just didn’t want to get out of bed. I found it cold even inside. I thought I was getting a cold, but nope, no cold, woohoo.

The cortisone shoots I had last week didn’t work as well as the last ones, but they did take most of the pain away.

My hip is acting up this week. I can be sitting there and all of a sudden it will go into a spasm and there is nothing to call it but pain. Pain level — 8 this week.

I am still having the spots in my eye, but the doctor says its still healing. Hope so.

I guess everyone is getting ready for Christmas. There are so many people who have to spend it alone. This is the time of year that depression is high. So to say Merry Christmas to a stranger, you could make their day. Sometimes people feel like no one cares about them, and a smile can mean so much. It’s the season to be merry but it’s also the time to give a little bit. Give a little bit of yourself.

Weight wise: still haven’t got

the weight off from the steroids. They asked me today if I wanted to go on the steroids again to stop the headaches. I said no way, if they aren’t going to save my life, I’m not going on them, I will try ginseng. Ha, the last time I tried it I just went, went and went some more. But no way am I going on steroids.

Dad and Janet came over to help me with the flea market. Carol and Betty came to help as well.

Wayne’s birthday was this week. Happy birthday Wayne.

Well I did it again, the couple of months they gave me again. Ha, fooled ya, woohoo.

Have a great week folks… yes, it’s Christmas school concert time.w

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