The News (New Glasgow)

55 Plus Club holds first meeting of year


The 55 Plus Club met on Jan. 3 for their regular monthly meeting at the New Glasgow Fire Department. Vice President Margaret in the absence of President Kathleen opened the meeting with the Senior’s Prayer and Song.

It was moved by Vice President Margaret that the minutes of Dec. 6, 2017, be approved as presented. Carried by the showing of hands.

Events: All events are doing great, still room available for more members to join. The bingo that is slated for Jan. 12 may be cancelled, because of personal reasons — any changes the members will be informed on this matter in lots of time.

Chair exercises will starting Jan. 10, 10-11 a.m.

John Gladwin will be taking over the Wednesday 45s.

The club is looking for a new caller to take over the calling list for lunches for the Sunday Night 45s card games.

President Kathleen and Vice Chairman Margaret put together a fruit basket and presented to the New Glasgow Fire Department for all their help to the seniors while they are in their building.

The speaker for the month of January was Art MacLean from the New Glasgow Fire Department, who showed a video called ‘At our age,’ dealing with and being prepared to deal with fires and the importance of exercise and balance. There were question and answer period, and everyone joined in and enjoyed the talk.

We would like to thank Fay Dunbar, Emma Campbell and Ron Gay for preparing Februarys lunch. The meeting was adjourned by Irene Grant and Rose Webber.

Cake, sandwiches, coffee and tea followed the meeting.

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