The News (New Glasgow)

Children invited to name RCMP puppies


Children are invited to help choose names for future police dogs. Names are needed for 13 German shepherd puppies, who will become RCMP police service dogs.

This year’s puppy names must begin with the letter “l” and have no more than two syllables and nine letters. The puppy naming contest is open to children living in Canada who are no more than 14 years old. Each child is allowed to send only one entry, and entries are to be sent no later than Feb. 28.

Winning names will be chosen by the Police Dog Service Training Centre staff. If there is more than one submission of the same puppy name, a draw will determine the winning entry. There will be one winner from each province and territory.

Contest winners will be announced on April 10 and winners will each receive a laminated eight-by-10-inch photo of the puppy they named, a plush dog called Justice and an official RCMP baseball cap. Children can send their entries through the online form at www. name-the-puppy-nomme-lechiot-eng.htm or mail their puppy name, along with their name, age, complete address and telephone number to: 2018 Name the Puppy Contest, RCMP Police Dog Service Training Centre, PO Box 6120, Innisfail, AB T4G 1S8.

Those submitting entries by mail are welcome to get creative and include drawings and paintings. Puppy names not chosen as winners will be considered for other puppies born during the year.

RCMP puppies are born and trained at the PDSTC in Innisfail, Alta. SaltWire Network

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