The News (New Glasgow)

WCB isn’t helping workers in need

- Myron Marshall Frasers Mountain Injured Worker in Pictou County

To the editor,

The Workers Compensati­on Boards across Canada opened their doors back in 1917 with the pretense that they were going to help our injured workers all across the country. This, sir, is one of the biggest and richest Ponzi schemes pulled over our government’s eyes in Canadian history.

According to the WCB Act, all WCBs across Canada are exempt from prosecutio­n by the law. So where did exemption leave our injured workers? Without a hope of winning their cases. Our government­s of the past should be ashamed of themselves. These boards used this power to cut off our benefits as they saw fit. It did not seem to matter how bad your injuries were.

It is now time to change this act and use it for what it was meant. It is time for all parties to act as a team. Support our workers across Canada. I have seen animals get along better than injured workers get along with WCB. Now they have a steady cash flow coming into their coffers. I have asked myself for 28 years, where does this money go and to whom? It didn’t stand to reason why the WCBs kept cutting benefits. They would leave a few on their benefits to make it look good to the government and the public. Man is this so true. So now that the WCBs are found out, what’s going to take place? This should be really interestin­g to watch in coming months. Have our WCBs been investing billions of employees’ dollars on the stock exchange? They are not supposed to have a surplus of money.

To all our honourable members: Why have our three parties in the House not agreed to clean the swamp at the WCB? It has gone too far with nothing done for injured workers. Please do not look down on them as they are moms and dads just like all of you. For too many years the WCB has been walking all over our injured workers. I find this very strange that no one but no one has stood up for workers. It is about time you all did finally take the bull by the horns. We have children coming into the work force. We need to show leadership to our children, as they are our future.

Do not do a bandage job, like the Chronic Pain Act. It won’t work. These bills and acts were only to please WCB and not the injured workers. When I think about the billions in employees’ dollars that went into WCB it makes me sick to my stomach. There has never been any justice for our workers from the get go. Are our children going to be subject to the same abuse as I and so many thousands of others had to go through at the hands of the WCB?

Remember one thing, do not judge a book by its cover. So it goes for the injured workers of Nova Scotia. Some of us may look good on the outside but it’s the hurt and pain we feel every day that counts. We did not ask to be injured and now we have no choices.

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