The News (New Glasgow)

Speaking of savings

- Mike Shindruk Mike Shindruk, Master’s Hand Ministry

Are you saved? Have you saved? Do you have savings? Have you ever saved anything? These questions may seem odd on the surface, but this past week as we adjusted our clocks to somehow save an hour of daylight, it occurred to me that we always seem to be trying to save something.

Personally, I have saved things that are dear to me, such as small gifts from my children, photos and mementoes from vacations, coins and even a flower from my father’s funeral. These all remind me of a personal physical connection to those I love, and places I have been. We all try and save money for a rainy day, or retirement, and these days that is a most difficult thing to do. We do this to try to somehow secure our future and make life a bit easier as we get older.

Well, saving of anything must be pretty important, as even Jesus does it. I’m sure we’ve all heard the term “Jesus saves.” What this translates into is that when we come to a place in our heart where we accept Him as our Saviour, believe that He is the Son of God, learn about and follow Him, then we are on the path to being with Him for eternity in Heaven.

We will soon be rememberin­g His sacrifice of himself on the cross for us, and celebratin­g His resurrecti­on. Although the date is inaccurate, the most important thing is that we remember and acknowledg­e that his body died so we could live.

Now, to many people who do not know Him, or of Him, this concept is abstract and not understood. We as faithful followers must be careful when using terms such as “I am saved,” or “are you saved?” The first time I was asked that I didn’t understand the question. What I do understand is that saving something precious to us for our future makes sense to us as people. Well, Jesus, who is God in flesh form, was sent to live among us and die for us. He did this for all of our “sins,” or things we do and get wrong.

In short, all of us represent in our understand­ing, the coins, stamps, photos and flowers of our lives that He wants so much to save and keep with Him for the future, our eternity. So, are you saved? In one sense, yes, in another sense we need to work on that. We must be worth the world to Him, as He is investing so much into saving all of us.

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