The News (New Glasgow)

New Glasgow 50 Plus Club discusses upcoming events


The 50 Plus Club of New Glasgow met on June 6 for their regular monthly meeting at the New Glasgow Fire Department. President Kathleen opened with the senior’s prayer and song. There were no minutes to read due to the secretary being ill.

Most of the events have finished for the season; darts, and Fun Day will run all summer. Line dancing and exercises will start in October. All other events will start in September, but check with the club before going to the events to see if they are up and running. There was a show of hands regarding sandwiches served for the meeting, and the vote was no to having sandwiches at the monthly meeting but the motion carried to have coffee, tea, and cake served at all monthly meetings.

Let’s Talk, June 15, 1:30 p.m. at the New Glasgow Fire Hall.

Glass Mugs are now being served for the coffee and tea, to avoid waste. The Salvation Army donated mugs to the club. We thank you Jenny for this and also the Salvation Army.

President Kathleen presented Margaret Casey, the past present, a card and flowers for her threeyear service. Dinner and dance in Plymouth will be on Dec. 1, with more informatio­n to be presented in the near future when it comes available.

On June 20, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. the Salvation Army will be presenting their lunch at the Salvation Army in Westville; on the menu will be fish cakes, beans, Jello, coffee and tea.

On June 22, 1:30 p.m., at New Glasgow Fire Hall, will be a Lunch and Learn: Quality of Life in Pictou County.

We would like to thank Sobeys Ware House for donating water and chips toward the 50 Plus Club barbecue.

In September the 50 Plus Club will be starting a choir, organized by Marie and Joan.

Janet Fraser was 50/50 winner. The meeting was adjourned by June and Dolly.

The barbecue followed the meeting, done by Dolly, June and Tom, hot dogs, hamburgers, ice cream, cake, water, and pop for all. Special guest was Mayor Nancy Dicks, and Geralyn MacDonald from the Town of New Glasgow. There was lots of music and dancing and members had a great time.

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